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What Is Life Science?.

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Presentation on theme: "What Is Life Science?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Is Life Science?

2 What is Science? In ancient times science (from the Latin word scientia) meant knowledge or learning. . Today we define science as ____________ ________________________ Science helps us answer the how, what, where, and why of our surroundings. But science is more than a collection of facts. Science is a human work. It is a growing and an exciting search for what is true. In this sense, -____________________________.

3 What is Life? Something is alive if it has all of the following characteristics.
Made up of one or more ___________. Can sense and respond to ___________. Is able to reproduce Has ________. Uses ________. ________ and develops

4 What life science is… Science has many branches, such as physical science, earth science, and life science. Life science is the study of ________ ______________. It helps to explain how living things ________ to one another and to their surroundings. Put yourself in the place of a life scientist. Try to figure our the following press releases. Can you explain these events?

5 CHINA: DECEMBER, Snakes crawled from their winter sleeping places. They froze to death in the winter cold. Rats also behaved in a strange way. They came out of their hiding places and wandered around the streets in broad daylight. These events were followed by an earthquake. CHINA: FEBRUARY, Geese were seen flying into trees. Dogs howled for no clear reason. These events were followed by an earthquake. GREECE: 856 _ Mice, weasels,and other burrowing animals were seen fleeing from the ancient city of Helice. Five days later the city was leveled by an earth quake.

6 What might a Life Scientist infer based on these pieces of evidence?
Earthquakes do affect living things. Because life scientists study the behavior of living things they may be able to predict earthquakes. This is only one of the many ways life science is used in the world.

7 Were you paying attention?
What is science? What are the 6 characteristics of all living things? What would scientists do if they found something that fit 5 of the six characteristics? Explain.

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