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Yesterday’s Essential Question

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Presentation on theme: "Yesterday’s Essential Question"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yesterday’s Essential Question
What events prepare Pi for survival at sea?

2 Essential Question How is Richard Parker a force in Pi’s survival?

3 Discussion Question Describe the moment that marks Pi’s decision to survive. What is Plan Number Seven? What is his plan? How will he go about accomplishing his plan? How does this mark his turning point to survive?

4 Narrative Structure discuss the events of the story Protagonist
Antagonist Conflict Climax Resolution How does Pi resolve the conflict with Richard Parker?

5 Discussion Question After deciding that Richard Parker must live, what thoughts and actions mark a turning point in Pi’s view of his situation? identify and analyze textual evidence to support your responses

6 Work Period Working with a partner, create a list of life lessons Pi teaches us as he resolves the conflict with Richard Parker and identifies a purpose and focus for his survival on the lifeboat.

7 Summary Writing Prompt
Is companionship/friendship important to survival? Explain your response.

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