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Pop Art How convincing are you?.

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Presentation on theme: "Pop Art How convincing are you?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pop Art How convincing are you?

2 Pop Art You’re going to work to persuade your classmates that your artist is the best, most creative, most influential artist in the Pop Art movement. Each group will create a presentation to engage and most importantly convince your classmates that your artist is the greatest! Each artist presentation should include: Important dates/years, places, influences and events in the life of the artist. Most significant art works with titles, creation dates, type of art, and media used. Must have image samples for at least three of them. What makes it Pop Art? Usual subject matter, style, signature features (something unique to the artist, what sets them apart from other pop artists). Additional images, fun facts/trivia can be added Bibliography of at least three resources used (information, images, etc)

3 Pop Art Questions that should be answered by your presentation with supporting information What kind of fun facts will get your classmates engaged and interested in your artist? Why should we care about this person or what they did? Who are some people who influenced their artwork? What is their style of art known as? How would you define it? What did they use to create their work? (oil paints, acrylic, chalk, fabrics, etc) What last impressions or influences did they have overall? Which art pieces are the best examples that sum up your artist’s career? (About 3-5) Why did you pick each of those? What do they tell you about the artist’s work and career? Do any of the paintings have a cool story behind them? What would be interesting to your classmates?

4 Grading Criteria Pop Art All required parts are complete
Accuracy & completeness of information Design and layout Teamwork and workmanship Is it easy to read/see? Does it help others remember main points about the artist? Does the content relate to the artist? Is the content accurate and complete? Are there supporting details and examples? Is the presentation laid out neatly and correctly? Information put into own words? Credible soures used and cited? ( Class time used wisely? Team worked well together and all contributed evenly? Presentation done in clear voice and projected for classroom audience?

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