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Pharmacology The science of Drugs.

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Presentation on theme: "Pharmacology The science of Drugs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pharmacology The science of Drugs

2 Pharmacokinetics vs Pharmacodynamics Pharmacokinetics: how the organism processes the drug – biochemical pathway of the drug: absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion Pharmacodynamics: how a drug affects an organism


4 Drug Interactions Additive: the chemicals work together and the result is cumulative Synergistic: the chemicals work together in an enhanced method – greater than simply adding the effects together Antagonistic: the chemicals hinder one another and the combined effect is less than the added, anticipated effect Allergic Reaction: hyper sensitivity reaction – body releases histamines in response to the drug causing rapid inflammation in an area of the body

5 Lovastatin is a cholesterol medication that helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. This drug should not be taken with any form of grapefruit because the effect of the drug is decreased. A person takes a dose of penicillin and their airway closes up and they asphyxiate. If I have really bad back pain, a doctor can give me prescription strength Ibuprofen which is 800 mg per pill. On the other hand, my doctor told me I can just take four 200 mg over the counter pills. Certain beta-blockers (such as propranolol), taken to control high blood pressure and heart disease, counteract beta-adrenergic stimulants, such as albuterol, taken to manage asthma. Both types of drugs target the same cell receptors—beta-2 receptors, but one type blocks them, and the other stimulates them.

6 Other Terms Biotransformation: the action of the metabolism on a drug to either activate or inactivate it - Primary role of Cytochrome p-450 – enzyme of detoxification Bioavailability: extent of drug absorption - affected by the level of biotransformation

7 Drug Induced teratogenesis: birth defects (congenital anomalies) caused by toxic effects of drugs Ex: Thalidomide – anti-nausea medication for pregnant women

8 Renal route – via the kidney Biliary route – via the liver Sublingual – under the tongue Buccal – cheek Transdermal – via the skin (patches)

9 Half-Life Time for one half of the drug to be removed from the body.
- measured from the peak onset until the concentration is half - After about 5 half-lives the drug is reduced by 97% and considered ineffective

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