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Clive Tubb CNS Dermatology

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1 Clive Tubb CNS Dermatology
Psoriasis Clive Tubb CNS Dermatology

2 What is it? Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease
Affects 3% of UK population 75% are successfully managed in the community with topical treatments (Griffiths 2004)

3 Cause Strong genetic link No clear cut inheritance pattern
Poorly understood ???

4 Pathology Epidermal hyperproliferation
Principally affecting cell kinetics of keratinocytes The major change is shortening of cell cycle from 311 to 36h, resulting in 28 times the normal production of epidermal cells.

5 Triggers Infection Climate change Trauma Alcohol & smoking Stress

6 Skin lesions Salmon-pink plaques, sharply marginated with white scale
Scales are, loose and easily removed by scratching

7 Distribution Single lesion or lesions localised to one area.
Regional involvement (scalp, palmar/plantar) Generalised

8 Pattern Bilateral, often symmetrical, favours elbows, knees and scalp.

9 Pattern Disseminated small lesions with random site (guttate psoriasis)

10 Pattern Can also affect specific sites only such as scalp, palms and feet.

11 Psychosocial implications
Stigma Body image Experiences of being an outsider Less social contact & understanding from friends Difficulties in personal & sexual relationships Resignation & helplessness Frustration

12 Management Realistic goal setting Agreed management plan
Hydrate plaques and soften scale with emollients Discuss topical treatment options and plan review

13 Management Emollient Topical steroid, hydrocortisone 1%, eumovate cream. Calcitriol Tacalcitol

14 Management Widespread Guttate psoriasis
Generally requires referal to secondary care UVL therapy Topical treatments can help but slow and difficult for patient

15 Management Scalp psoriasis often stubborn and troublesome
Soften scale and lift scale Topical lotions more acceptable for patients

16 Management Palmar/Plantar psoriasis Soften hyperkeratosis
Topical steroid agents Usually requires higher strength to be effective UVL therapy

17 Finally Explanation of treatment options. Realistic goal setting
Assessments/reviews & support with treatments and lifestyle An agreed skin care plan and monitoring Encouragement and motivation

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