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Dangers Facing Christians

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1 Dangers Facing Christians
Hebrews 3:7-19

2 Background of Hebrews Author is unknown
Written to urge Christians to remain faithful We can also fall away Think of these as warning signs

3 Neglect (2:1-4) Begins with “drifting” Like a boat w/o an anchor
We can drift (v. 1)

4 Neglect (2:1-4) No escape Superior to angels (v. 2; 1:4-14)
Cannot escape (v. 3; Matthew 10:28)

5 Neglect (2:1-4) Admonitions
Heed the confirmed word (v. 4; Mark 16:17-20) Watch the company we keep (Luke 22:54, 55) Neglect is a serious problem

6 Unbelief (3:7-19) Not a total rejection
Just quit believing what He says Dual nature of faith (Hebrews 11:6) Moses sinned this way (Numbers 20:12)

7 Unbelief (3:7-19) A dangerous possibility
Can happen to anyone (vv. 7-11) Sabbath violators didn’t believe God (Numbers 15) Uzzah touched the ark (2 Samuel 6:7)

8 Unbelief (3:7-19) Present day applications Refuse baptism (Mark 16:16)
Refuse church discipline (1 Corinthians 5:9-13)

9 Unbelief (3:7-19) Admonitions Fear (4:1-3) Diligence (4:11)
Perseverance (4:14)

10 Disobedience (4:11-13) Progression of thought Began with neglect
Went on to unbelief Led to disobedience

11 Disobedience (4:11-13) We can fall in the same way
True since Eden (v. 11) Judged by the word (vv. 12, 13; 2 Peter 3:9) Learn to be submissive, not just obedient

12 Disobedience (4:11-13) Admonitions
Draw near to Jesus, our High Priest (4:15, 16) He was submissive (Matthew 26:39)

13 Immaturity (5:11-6:3) Failure to grow Serious problem (5:11-14)
Commanded to grow (1 Peter 2:2; 2 Peter 3:18) Failure makes us vulnerable (Ephesians 4:12-16)

14 Immaturity (5:11-6:3) Must go on to mature Leave the basics (6:1-3)
Do not be envious of others who grow

15 Immaturity (5:11-6:3) Admonitions Press on (6:11)
Imitate the faithful (6:12) Can’t remain children

16 Rejection (10:19-31) Cannot go on sinning willfully
Entered the Holy Place, or church (vv. 19, 20) Must not waver (v. 23)

17 Rejection (10:19-31) Terrifying judgment remains
God’s enemies are punished (vv. 27, 28) Do not desire a Lord (vv )

18 Rejection (10:19-31) Admonitions Hold fast to hope (10:23)
Consider one another (10:24) Run the race (12:1, 2) Not alone (1 Kings 19:18)

19 Refusal (12:25-29) Danger of refusing Jesus
Those who rejected Moses died (v. 25, 26) Cannot refuse the voice of God (v. 27; Matthew 17:3)

20 Refusal (12:25-29) Involves giving up the kingdom Opportunity to serve
God is a consuming fire (v. 29)

21 Refusal (12:25-29) Admonitions Have grace (12:28)
Go forth unto Him (13:13) Offer up a sacrifice of praise (12:15)

22 Conclusion Be careful Watch for the warning signs

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