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Epso Porto, Portugal Leena Kinnunen

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1 Epso 10.-12.4.2019 Porto, Portugal Leena Kinnunen
Health care professionals duty to report their work place - Effectiveness of an oblication Epso Porto, Portugal Leena Kinnunen

2 Duty to report the work place
Valvira can oblicate a health care professional to report his/her work place if the professional starts to work as a health care professional or changes his/her work place Purpose is to ensure patient safety and continuity of supervision The report needs to be in writing Oblication can be set for the fixed period or until further notice

3 Analysis of decisions Seach from the database of all the decisions that contained oblication in the years 41 decisions where obligation was valid until further notice 24 fixed period 17 Oblication was Primary action in 34 cases Secondary action in 7 cases (also e.g. right to practise a profession had been restricted)

4 Analysis of decisions The decisions were classified according to
Information of the professional Reason for the oblication Lenght of the oblication Other previous sanctions or supervision cases Supervision cases after the oblication and the reason for it in 24 decisions the oblication was valid, Valvira had not continued supervision and had not received information about the new working place

5 Working when the oblication was valid
Information about 24 professionals icome was gathered (extract of employment pension) 8 persons had income more detailed investigation Only one practical nurse was working as a health care professional and had not informed Valvira about it Supervision of the practical nurse

6 Conclusions Oblication to report the work place is followed very well
Oblication to report the work place is an effective method to ensure patient saftey and continuity of supervision when restriction to practise a profession is not justified

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