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Movements, Counterculture, and Discontent

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1 Movements, Counterculture, and Discontent
1960’s and 1970’s Movements, Counterculture, and Discontent

2 Latinos Seek Equality Civil war and revolution led many Latin Americans to emigrate to the United States Cesar Chavez led the Farm Worker’s Movement…unionized the workers so they would have better pay, better hours, and better benefits

3 Native Americans Seek Equality
American Indian Movement worked (sometimes violently) to help the N.A. cause Recived money for land taken by the U.S. gov’t and laws were passed by Congress allowing tribes to have more control over their reservations and education

4 Feminist Movement More women went to work after WWII but faced discrimination…less pay and seldomly were they promoted Betty Friedan publishes The Feminine Mystique in 1963 which outlines what women were feeling It was an instant best-seller

5 National Organization for Women (NOW) started in 1966
Sucessful in lobbying Congress to ban workplace discrimination AND discrimination in federally-funded schools (Citadel and Harvard) Roe v. Wade (1973)- made abortion legal Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)- an amendment would be added to the Constitution declaring that men and women are legally EQUAL DID NOT GET RATIFIED!!

6 Environmentalism 1962, Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring, a book about the dangers of pesticides (skies are silent because birds are dying) st Earth Day 1970- Nixon creates the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 1970- Clean Air Act- pollution standards Also passed during the 1970’s: laws addressing pesticides, endangered species, and strip mining Nuclear Testing- three-Mile Island, Pennsylvania

7 Counterculture- The Hippies
During the 1960’s, white, middle-class youths became so disillusioned with America (Vietnam, assassinations, etc.) that they decided to start a new society based on PEACE and LOVE Port Huron Statement – Manifesto of the Hippie movement “Age of Aquarius”

8 Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco
Rock n’ roll music Outrageous clothing and appearance Liberal use of drugs- tim leary communes

9 Movement died out : Manson Family Murders
Rolling Stones concert at Altamont Drug addiction/ Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix Realization that they needed American society to survive

10 Pop Culture of the 1960’s Andy Warhol The Beatles Woodstock
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