The Alamo Mexican American War

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Presentation on theme: "The Alamo Mexican American War"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Alamo Mexican American War
By Mr. Griffin

2 The Alamo What state was the Alamo located in?

3 The Alamo Texas

4 The Alamo What exactly was “The Alamo”?

5 The Alamo A mission/church located in Texas.

6 The Alamo Why did Spain/Mexico invite Americans to live in Texas?

7 The Alamo Texas was not heavily populated. They wanted to people to settle in Texas.

8 The Alamo What did Americans agree to do if they moved to Texas?

9 The Alamo Learn to speak Spanish Become Catholic
Follow Mexican/Spanish laws Give up their slaves

10 The Alamo True or False The Texans wrote a Declaration of Independence from Mexico.

11 The Alamo True!! They wanted to become a free and independent country.

12 The Alamo Who won the Battle of the Alamo?

13 The Alamo Mexico

14 The Alamo Who was the leader of the Mexican Army?

15 The Alamo Santa Anna

16 The Alamo Who was the leader of the Texas Army?

17 The Alamo Sam Houston

18 The Alamo What city in Texas is named after Sam Houston?

19 The Alamo HOUSTON

20 The Alamo After Texas wins independence they become the 25th state.

21 The Alamo False They become the 28th state!

22 The Alamo Why does Santa Anna sign over all rights to Texas?

23 The Alamo He was captured in battle. He signed over Texas rights to save his life!

24 The Alamo Who was the famous knife fighter that was in the Alamo?

25 The Alamo Jim Bowie

26 The Alamo Who was the famous Congressman that fought at the Alamo?

27 Davy Crockett

28 The Alamo Discussion Question
There are often common themes with conflict. Think about the French and Indian War, The Revolutionary War, and Texas’ fight for independence. What are common themes?

29 The Alamo Discussion Question
Think about great leaders. How were George Washington and Sam Houston similar?

30 Mexican American War What was the disputed territory?

31 The Mexican-American War

32 The Mexican-American War
Who was the famous general that led the Mexican Army?

33 The Mexican-American War
Santa Anna

34 The Mexican-American War
Who was the President of the United States during the Mexican- American War?

35 The Mexican-American War
James Polk

36 Mexican – American War What military leader, for the US, later became US President?

37 Mexican – American War Zachary Taylor

38 Mexican – American War The United States Army captures the capital of Mexico. The Mexican Army/Government is forced to surrender. What states did the US gain from defeating Mexico?

39 Mexican – American War California Arizona New Mexico Nevada Utah
Parts of Colorado Parts of Wyoming

40 Post Mexican – American War
After the Mexican – American War the United States purchased land from Mexico to complete the Transcontinental Railroad. This land purchase was calle…………..

41 Post Mexican – American War
The Gadsden Purchase

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