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Prefixes: copy the blue

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Presentation on theme: "Prefixes: copy the blue"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefixes: copy the blue
PRO= FORWARD ex: protagonist TPS: _____, ______ RE= AGAIN ex: re-examine TPS: _____, ______ IN-, IL-, IM-, IR- =NO, NOT; IN, INTO, ON ex: inoperable EX= AWAY FROM, OUT ex: exhalation . 1

2 OBJECTIVE Students will be able to trace a short story’s time and sequence by completing a Plot Map. 2

3 Cornell Notes: “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket”
How does Clare’s calm setting parallel Tom’s predicament? What does it make you realize about time? 13 Take out cause and effect 13 How does the author prolong the suspense? 14

4 Cornell Notes: “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket”
Summary: How is the ending just like the beginning? What’s different? :>

5 Pairshare questions page 19
#2 #3 #5 #7 first question only 8 individually

6 Pairshare questions RUBRIC
4 – On task and actively participating 3 – Mostly on task and participating 2 - some students participating but a bit off task 1 – Off task and not completing assignment

7 Warm-up: Write the correct vocabulary word only: projection, rebounded, irrelevantly, imperceptibly
The angle of the rock’s ___ made it a favorite destination for novice climbers. The change in lighting was ___ different, yet the photographer noticed it. When the basketball ___ off the hoop, the alert player caught it and made the winning shot. Hillary commented ___ on the way the members of the opposing debate team were dressed. 7

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