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City of Darwin’s Single Use Plastic Ban

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2 City of Darwin’s Single Use Plastic Ban
Products to ban Finding alternatives BYO Stakeholder engagement Next steps Take home messages

3 Why ban single use plastics?
Waste Free NT waste audit in February 2018


5 So many questions… What are single use plastics?
Where are we banning them? What are the alternative options? Are “bioplastics” ok? What is a ban? What is reasonable to ban?

6 Products to ban Straws Containers Bowls and plates Cutlery Cups
Helium balloons

7 Plastic Alternatives Compostable (NOT biodegradable) Heat resistant
Water resistant

8 BYO & reusable Cleanliness Stalls refusing BYO I forgot!
Community wash hub



11 Stakeholder engagement
Education vs Regulation Supporting community volunteers Working with market associations Administrative changes Permits and leases

12 Education vs Regulation
Small businesses Economic pressures Positive story Strong community support

13 Education components

14 Positive community feedback

15 Good news stories

“I write to you in full support of the proposal to Council by the Aldermen to ban single use plastics such as disposable plates, cups, cutlery and straws from events organised by Council, and that a report be brought back to explore the banning of single use plastic from all events supported by Council, including those on Council land and in Council buildings. With mounting evidence of the environmental impacts of plastic production, transport, consumption and disposal I am keen to see council lead the way in community, business and industry education in ways to reduce plastic, increase resource recovery and showcase alternatives.” “Plastic is a major environmental problem, especially given Darwin's geological location - surrounded by ocean, river ways, flood and salt marshes. It is known that in Darwin most single use plastics are not collected for recycling. The largest amount of single use plastics (plates, bowls, cutlery, cups, straws) going directly to landfill is generated by our local marketplaces and our food courts.”

17 Is it working? 2nd audit of Parap Markets Plastics still quite high
“alternatives” starting to pick up

18 all the admin….


20 Expanding the ban Other Councils across the Territory
Non-council organisations (private property) More plastic types!

21 https://www. facebook. com/organicaustraliangrown/videos/vb

22 Take home messages Work with your stakeholders
Trust in the community support Strong community advocacy When it is the RIGHT thing to do you will make it work

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