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SERV Sharing Services in the ESS

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Presentation on theme: "SERV Sharing Services in the ESS"— Presentation transcript:

1 SERV Sharing Services in the ESS
Item 4.4 of agenda EVUG Meeting 2015 Eurostat, Unit B3

2 Agenda Common Statistical Production Architecture
Demo of the CSPA Global Catalogue Project ESS.VIP.Shared Services Task Force ESSNet EVUG meeting 8-9 October 2015

3 CSPA - Problem statement

4 CSPA - Target architecture

5 Demo of the CSPA Global Catalogue
EVUG meeting 8-9 October 2015

6 Progress towards CSPA target architecture in ESS
CSPA certified Progress towards CSPA target architecture in ESS Project ESS.VIP.SERV: Sharing common functionalities in the ESS ESS CSPA basecamp

7 ESS.VIP.SERV Objectives
Develop ESS guidelines for describing service definitions Set up governance for day to day usage, incl. Catalogue Proof of Concept of first services implemented in a SOA following the guidelines

8 ESS.VIP.SERV Benefits Easier exchange of information about re-usable statistical services Flexible business processes Faster adoption of new production processes Cost reduction of development and maintenance of information systems Easier management of skills

9 Implementation – Services in Business Projects
Cooperation with ESS.VIPs: Validation – STRUVAL services ESBRS – Unique Identification service Cooperation among projects is the key

10 TF shared SERVices Part of project ESS.VIP.shared SERVices
Mandate endorsed by ITDG in Feb 2015 Invitations for participation was sent 13 countries (+UNECE) expressed interest First meeting is planned 28 October 2015 EVUG meeting 8-9 October 2015

11 TF shared SERVices - Objectives
Propose governance model for sharing of services at ESS level including the possible set up of a service certification committee; Sharing of experiences, knowledge and best practices through multilateral collaboration and building of a collective capacity; Identify candidates to be implemented as shared services in ESS including new development and utilizing existing (commercial and/or open source based) tools; Assessment of the existing CSPA service catalogue and how to broaden its usage on ESS level; Promote the implementation and usage of CSPA compliant services in the ESS. EVUG meeting 8-9 October 2015

12 TF shared SERVices - Participants
Member States: Austria Finland France Germany Ireland Italy Norway Slovenia Sweden UK Candidate Countries: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Montenegro Serbia UNECE as Observer EVUG meeting 8-9 October 2015

13 ESSnet Sharing Services in ESS
From 2016 to 2017 Work packages: ESS guidelines and procedures Plan for a Centre of Excellence for sharing statistical services in ESS Apply services – provide real-life examples of re-use and integration of statistical services Identification of re-usable services and analysis of requirements Fostering open source solutions for statistical services EVUG meeting 8-9 October 2015

14 Annex / Backup slides EVUG meeting 8-9 October 2015

15 Main page

16 Service description Follows the SERV service guidelines
Split in three layers Service Definition Service specification Service implementation Entries must only have the "Service definition" part filled in

17 Service Definition

18 Service Specification

19 Service implementation (1/3)

20 Service implementation (2/3)

21 Service implementation (3/3)

22 Roles & Rights Catalogue is ECAS protected
Main roles: users, editors, moderators Service owners are responsible to restrict access to their service descriptions

23 Discussion platform Comments are allowed on Definition, Specification and Implementation level Allows discussion between stakeholders Aims to get best out of the services before going towards the ral implementation

24 Limitations Not directly accessible, ECAS account is needed
MediaWiki page has been created (freely accessible, but static content) Wiki based: no real databases for storage templates based labels driven difficult to implement business logic or cross connections

25 MediaWiki page Why? To have an authentication free entry point First place in Google result for search term "CSPACatalogue" Content: High level description of the CSPA project List of services included in the full catalogue Instruction to get access to the full catalogue

26 Main page

27 Service List

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