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World Languages & Cultures Department

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1 World Languages & Cultures Department
Test Retake Contract Name __________________ Date ___________________ I know that I did not do well on my test for Unit __________. I would appreciate the opportunity to retake this test because I scored lower than an 80% on this assessment and I did all of my assignments prior to the test. I understand that if I retake this test the highest grade I can get is an 81%: To re-take this test I must:     Explain to my parents why I did not perform well. Their signature below indicates that they are aware of my intent to retake this test. Have all previous assignments completed.    Seek help/meet with my teacher before the re-take. Complete any extra practice that my teacher has assigned me to do        Complete the retake test within a week of the original assessment      Understand that the final grade for the test will be the score attained and will be no higher than an 81%. Met with Teacher ___Yes ___ No All assignments are completed ___Yes ____No Date of the Test Retake _____________________ Parent’s Signature _____________________________________

2 Retake policy*: 1. A retake is offered for any assessment lower than 80%. 2. The grade you get on a retake is no higher than 81%. 3. Retakes must be taken before or after school or during your resource block. It is your responsibility to schedule the retake with Señora Quintero. This can be done in class or via . It is your responsibility to get a pass from Señora Quintero to come for your retake. 4. The retake must be completed in one sitting- meaning you can’t start it and then come back another time to finish it. This is the procedure for all tests and quizzes. 5. The retake must be done within a week of the original assessment. This is important, because the further away from the instruction you get, the less you remember. After a week deadline, retakes will not be allowed. 6. You must have all homework assignments turned in for the unit before retaking an assessment. Homework is independent practice that helps you learn and practice the vocabulary and grammar expected on the assessment. Without completing all homework assignments, you are not ready for an assessment. *Please note that this policy does not apply to county-wide assessments such as midterm, final, and PALS/CPAs.

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