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Tales of a River Year 6 Spring 2018 LITERACY PSHE

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1 Tales of a River Year 6 Spring 2018 LITERACY PSHE
Report writing – rivers of the world Explanations – how river features are created River Boy – whole class text. Work on descriptive writing, analysing text and character. River poetry Cataract at Lodore (use of figurative language) News report – flooding Discursive writing -leaflet on river pollution PSHE Relationships GEOGRAPHY River flow (how erosion occurs) How rivers change over time River Thames Research world rivers Flooding-environmental issues River pollution MUSIC Composition – river music Tales of a River Year 6 Spring 2018 SCIENCE Light Evolution and adaptation (River life) FRENCH Places in a town Prepositions and directions R.E. Creation stories from a range of religions Alternative views of Creation Humanity’s responsibility to the natural world Stewardship of the Earth COMPUTING Digital Literacy – use technology, safely, respectfully and responsibly IT – research rivers using Internet. Google Maps to identify river features ART / DT Gainsborough/Lowry – River landscapes Observational drawing (river creature) Printing Bridges –evaluating different structures

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