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Objectives of the Session

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1 Curriculum Change and the New OFSTED Framework 2019 MFL Development Day 2019

2 Objectives of the Session
To share information about the changing nature of inspections under the new OFSTED framework (Deep Dives) 2. To establish key principles of effective curriculum design and assessment 3. To share and discuss ways of improving your MFL curriculum

3 Background – Curriculum Changes
Removal of NC Levels in KS3 and POS Introduction of Banding / KS3 Assessment grades Move to 2 year KS3 New Specs & Exams in A Level and GCSE New exam schedules year 9 – 13 New Assessments in KS3-5 Ongoing changes in SOWs Faculty work on reading and listening Work on key structures and testing Good time to review and improve curriculum & assessment

4 Changing Nature of OFSTED Inspections
Old Framework New Framework

5 IMPACT Outcomes that students achieve (Students)
Curriculum INTENT Rationale behind the curriculum Knowledge and skills that students will gain (Senior leaders, subject leaders) IMPLEMENTATION Taught and assessed Build knowledge apply that knowledge as skills (Subject leaders, class teachers, students) IMPACT Outcomes that students achieve (Students)

6 “Deep Dive” Process – Day 1
Senior Leader Discussions HoF Discussions Lesson Observations Pupils and Books Teacher Discussions Intent Implementation Impact

7 Deep Dive – period 2 2. HoF Discussion
Inspector (normally subject specialist) & HoF (line manager if possible) With SOWs / QA folder Curriculum based questions … “What is the rationale behind your curriculum?” “What grammar is taught at each stage of the course?” “What does the department know about the knowledge year 7s bring with them?” “How are students prompted to use previously learned content?” “Are tests used to build memory and identify weaknesses?” “How does your department identify areas of the curriculum that should be improved?” “What is the profile of MFL in school compared to other subjects?”

8 Deep Dive – period 3 3. Lesson Observations
Chosen by Inspector and involving HoF 2 or 3 lessons No data, lesson plans or seating plans asked for View at least 5 books Discussions after the lessons with HoF “Was this a successful lesson? Why (not)?” “How do lessons fit into SOW? Is this a typical lesson?”

9 Deep Dive – period 4 4. Pupils & Books
Around 6 pupils from lesson observations p3 Selected by inspector Questions designed to get pupils taking about the work they do in that lesson / progress over time “What did you learn today?” “What key vocabulary / structures do you learn across topics?” “Is learning revisited?” “Show me an easy / hard piece of work – why was it easy / hard?” “What can you remember from lessons in ____?” (retention)

10 Deep Dive – period 5 5. Teacher Discussions
Inspector and teachers from lesson observations p3 “Did you achieve your outcomes today?” “What comes next?” “ What knowledge / skills are most important in your subject area?” “How much autonomy do you have in lesson planning?” “How do you differentiate in lessons?” “What is the workload like? Are leaders considerate of your workload?”

11 Curriculum Discussion
What are the key ingredients of a successful MFL curriculum? Knowledge? Skills? Assessment? Beyond the classroom? 2. Which of these is your department strong at? 3. Which would be areas of development for your department?

12 Curriculum Mapping and Review – The Theory
Overview document Make content, skills & grammar and assessment explicit to all (leaders, teachers and students) Produced by HoF and TLR holders Reviewed by all MFL staff (Stop/Start/Continue)

13 Curriculum Mapping – Key Principles
Mapped over 5 years to build in progression from year 7-11 Differentiated for all abilities Grammar and skills focused Grammar and skills planned, sequenced and revisited (interleaving) Manageable steps Don’t rely on textbooks, recycle language / key structures Build on prior learning All 4 skills built into curriculum (paired up where possible) Verbs, high frequency words and phonics built in early from year 1 Develop knowledge of tenses over time Plan in grammar practice with new language / contexts Language manipulation above rote memorisation Regular opportunities to speak and write from memory

14 Curriculum Mapping – Key Principles
4. Clear end points in the curriculum (knowledge and skills at key points) 5. Target Language built into curriculum Optimum use Build in how target language will be used / developed English for explanations / saving learning time Avoid large amounts of TL which students don’t understand

15 Curriculum Mapping – Key Principles
6. Promote careers pathways for languages within curriculum (Year 8 & 11 options) 7. Authentic Resources Choose carefully and add support Use to develop cultural knowledge and grammar (not just comprehension) 8. Real experiences of languages built into curriculum E.g. trips, exchanges, clubs, pen-pals, internet activities, MFL competitions 9. Prior learning at KS2 considered wherever possible Be aware of MFL provision in feeder schools 10. Monitor, Review & Improve Curriculum observations, work scrutiny, student voice, dept meetings, INSET Focus on improving progression in grammar and skills over time

16 Assessment – Key Principles
Use to practice and embed learning in long term memory Fluent sentence construction key Embed accuracy in grammar / vocab Use language / grammar / skills from SOWs in assessments (including old content) Include all skills over time / mix skills Develop manipulation rather than rote memorisation Regular quizzes / “low stake” tests encouraged (including old content) Build in common misconceptions before assessment Use assessment to identify and build upon weaknesses Excessive assessment and data entry discouraged GCSE style tasks encouraged in KS4 (be careful in KS3!)

17 Work so far (German first year) …
Interleaving Skills End points / success criteria Skills needed for assessment

18 How about your department?
Next Steps Curriculum Finish 5 year map Map in place for Sept (Use subject leaders / TLR holders to support) Develop shared rationale for curriculum amongst all staff in dept Review Curriculum with dept throughout the year (stop / start / continue) T and L foci for next year … Embed new curriculum – discussions, work scrutiny, student voice Relaunch listening and reading strategies Develop ideas for interleaving content Add clear success criteria to assessments and use for responsive teaching Other … Build evidence base for 2 year KS3 (Year 8/9 questionnaires) Put together a QA file evidencing what the dept does well SOWs, Assessments, Key Structure Mats, Marking Policy, Mark Schemes, Work Scrutiny info, Performance Management Documents, Review information, Action Plans / SEF How about your department?

19 Curriculum Mapping and the New OFSTED
Framework 2019 Planning Time

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