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Chapter 4 Electricity and Magnetism

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1 Chapter 4 Electricity and Magnetism
Lesson 1 By: Mr. Vorick

2 Lesson 1 Essential Question
EQ: What is static electricity? H: A:

3 Vocabulary Electric charge: a basic property of the tiny particles that make up matter. Electric charges can be positive or negative. Static Electricity: The buildup of electric charges in one place. Electric field: The area around electric charges, where electric forces can act.

4 Lab: Rub a Balloon Why do you hang the balloon from the table instead of holding it in your hand? What is the benefit of using several different materials to rub the balloons?

5 Lab: Rub a Balloon 1.) Compare your observations in steps 2 and 3.
2.) Think about how the balloons and materials acted. Compare that to what sometimes happens when clothes are taken from a dryer. 3.) Which of your observations support the inference that a force acted on the balloons and the materials?

6 Two Kinds of Change How does electricity work?
Push and Pulls during the lab were caused by what?

7 Electric Charges Basic property of the tiny particles that make up matter. Positive and Negative + and – charges cancel each other out Most matter usually has a balance of the two charges This is called being neutral How did you change this during the lab?

8 Electric Charges Negatively Charged: when an object has more negatively charged particles than positively charged Positively Charged: more positive than negatively charged particles Opposite charges attract, charges that are the same repel or push away from each other. Magnet example

9 Static Electricity The buildup of charges in one place
Lab: Rubbing the two balloons with wool made each negatively charged so they repel eachother.

10 Separating Charges Most of the time, objects are neutral
To see a change you must separate negative charges from positive charges How do you do this?

11 Rubbing Pulls negative particles off one object onto and onto another.
Only negative charges move this way, positive charges will not move.

12 Electric Forces The push or pull between objects that have different charges Electric Field: the space around positive and electric charges. The force gets weaker the farther you move from the object The field extends is all directions from the charge The field attracts opposite charges and repels identical charges

13 Essential Question EQ: What is static electricity? A:

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