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The Reading Acts 19:1-5 Hello Eric, I have a quick question for you in regards to baptism in the Church of Christ. Does the church believe.

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3 The Reading Acts 19:1-5



6 Hello Eric, I have a quick question for you in regards to baptism in the Church of Christ.
Does the church believe that a person baptized outside of the Church of Christ did not receive a valid baptism? Thanks.

7 The church does “not believe” anything, what is in the Bible, that’s what we practice, what is not in the Bible we don’t do it. The church does “not invent” anything. We just follow the Word of God. Here then is the answer!

8 in the Church of Christ to be “valid”?
Does it have to be done in the Church of Christ to be “valid”?

9 We do know and understand that Baptism is very important.
People want to be baptized because many understand that it is a “commandment from the Bible”. But, the problem is not that. The problem is: Does God recognize baptism, if it is done anywhere? What is the condition for my baptism to be valid, in front of God’s eyes?

10 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
Baptism means immersion, yet every immersion is not a baptism. Every person who has ever dived into a pool has not become a Christian. First, one must know what he is doing. When Jesus commissioned his disciples, he instructed them to first preach the gospel - Mark 16:15-16 It is the gospel which contains the instructions on how to be saved - Romans 1:16 The people on the day of Pentecost first listened to the gospel message and then asked what they needed to do to be saved - Acts 2:37 Even after being told what they needed to do, it still took more teaching to convince them to obey - Acts 2:38-41

11 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
Which brings us to our second point, one must accept what he has learned. Mark 16:16 - Belief is required The eunuch heard the message and asked what was required of him to be baptized. The answer was he needed to believe with all his heart.

12 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
The acceptance of the gospel message causes a person to realize that he cannot continue living his life as he pleases. He realizes that changes are needed in his life. This is why Peter told his audience to repent – to change the direction of their life - Acts 2:38 It was our past actions that got us into trouble and continuing that path will lead us into further, more permanent trouble - Luke 13:3 It is not arbitrarily picking a new direction, but turning to God and obeying his commands - Acts 26:20

13 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
The change in our life is also shown in a change in our attitude. We must show a boldness to confess that Jesus is our Lord and our God. Confession results in salvation - Romans 10:9-11 It is a confession that is witnessed by others - I Timothy 6:12 This the eunuch understood and did prior to his baptism - Acts 8:37-38

14 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
The baptism itself must be properly done As we mentioned before, the word baptism means an immersion. It requires much water - John 3:23 It is seen in its description of a burial and a raising up - Colossians 2:12 The eunuch and Philip went down into the water. Why do this if all that was needed was the sprinkling of a few drops or the pouring of a cup full of water?

15 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
What about denominational baptisms? Some were baptized in a denomination. Isn’t that sufficient? No! It is Not. A large number of denominations baptize their members by sprinkling or pouring. Is it a baptism if it is not done in the manner prescribed by God? Many are baptized as infants. But consider the prerequisites for baptism. Can a person become a Christian without his knowledge? Can a person become a Christian without his consent? During the days of the New Testament, a characteristic that distinguishes it from the Old Testament was the fact that all Christians are knowledgeable about who they follow - Heb 8:11

16 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
What about denominational baptisms? Even as adults, a baptism by immersion can be invalid - Acts 19:1-5 These men were baptized by immersion after hearing the teachings of John who urged the people to repent. Yet, their knowledge was incomplete. They were baptized, but for the wrong reason. They were baptized to get ready for the Savior, but they were not baptized into Christ. Now that they knew the Christ had come, did that make their past actions now right? No, they need to be baptized for the right reasons

17 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
What about denominational baptisms? Here is where most need to give serious consideration While many denominations practice some form of baptism, most believe it is not necessary for salvation. Most claim it is just to show that salvation has already been received. “An outward sign of an inward grace,” some say. That is why there is no urgency in seeing someone baptized. They will collect several candidates, vote on their acceptance into the denomination, and then hold a collective baptism at their convenience.

18 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
Is my baptism valid then? Let me be frankly honest with my answer. If there is no difference between us and the almost 41,000 denominations that exist today, then we all are going to be saved! If there is a difference, then it does matter where my baptism was done and how my baptism was done! Did you know what you were doing? Did you believe in Jesus and his teachings? Did you change your life to follow after that teaching? Did you confess before others your belief in Jesus? Were you immersed in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for the remission of your sins?

19 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
Is my baptism valid then? Was your baptism done in the right place? Matthew 16:18 “I will build my church. (one) singular. That church started in the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). That church started at Jerusalem (Acts 1:8) That church started at 9:00 AM (Acts 2:15) That church started with the Apostles (Acts 2:14) That church started with the right preaching (Acts 2:22) That church started with the right baptism (Acts 2:38) That church started with the right group (Acts 2:41)

20 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
Is my baptism valid then? Was your baptism done in the right place? God was adding to “That” church every person that was willing to obey the gospel! Acts 2:47 (NKJV) 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

21 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
Is my baptism valid then? Were you Baptized in the “Baptist church”? They don’t believe that baptism is essential for salvation period! Are you willing to take eternal chances and consequences? Baptists believe that the Bible teaches that baptism is important but not necessary for salvation. For example, the thief on the cross (Luke 23:39-43), Saul on the Damascus road (Acts 9:1-18) and the people gathered in Cornelius’ house (Acts 10:24-48) all experienced salvation without the necessity of baptism.

22 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
Is my baptism valid then? Were you Baptized in the “Pentecostal church”? They believe that they are baptized with The holy spirit in order to perform many miracles and wonders (they say)! Also, the biggest mistake is this: Jesus is the NAME of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The terms Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not names, but are only titles. There is only one name: Jesus! How wonderful to know He was God manifested in flesh and clothed in humanity.

23 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
Is my baptism valid then? Were you Baptized in the “Mormon church”? This is what they believe! “We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel” (Articles of Faith 1:3). Baptism in water is an ordinance essential to our salvation. By being baptized, we show God that we are willing to be obedient to His commandments. Jesus set the example for us by being baptized, even though He was without sin (see Mosiah 18:8-10). The Savior revealed the proper method of baptism to the Prophet Joseph Smith, making clear that the ordinance must be performed by one having priesthood authority and that it be done by immersion (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:72-74).

24 Baptism must come after certain requirements are met.
Is my baptism valid then? Were you Baptized in the “Catholic church”? This is what they believe! Baptism is the one sacrament that all Christian denominations share in common. In the Catholic Church, infants are baptized to welcome them into the Catholic faith and to free them from the original sin they were born with. To the Catholic Church, original sin isn’t a personal sin of the unborn, but a sin transmitted from generation to generation by birth. All men and women are born with original sin, and only Baptism can wash it away. Baptism can be regarded as a vaccine against sin. The Catholic Sacrament of Baptism.

25 Ephesians 1:22-23 (NKJV) 22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

26 If it doesn't make any difference from one church to the other, if baptism is transferable from one church to another, then God is one hundred percent the Author of all religious confusion that exists today. (1 Cor 14:40; 14:33)

27 Don’t take chances. Please God, and not men.
What will count on the last day will be how faithful and obedient I have been to God and not to men. Do what is right, do what is commanded. Do it in the right place: The church. Romans 16:16

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