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We Win! So now what do we do?

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Presentation on theme: "We Win! So now what do we do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 We Win! So now what do we do?
Building a New Country From the Ground Up

2 Starting a new country means growing pains
The framework of the new government, created during the war, would be called the Articles of Confederation. Starting a new country means growing pains

3 What type of government rule would America fear the most when creating a new country?
“Those who neglect the lessons learned from history are condemned to repeat it”

4 Some good things were accomplished under the Articles of Confederation

5 Treaty of Paris, 1783 – officially ended the war, removed last British troops, doubled size of country Northwest Land Ordinances (1784, 1785, 1787) – Organized and established rules for how a territory would enter the Union Gave state and local governments more power to run things

6 But there were some problems…


8 Two best examples

9 Didn’t give nearly enough power to the National Government and didn’t allow them to enforce the law
Gave way too much power to the states How can you summarize the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation in two sentences?

10 Going into 1786 something would need to be done to correct these problems

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