An Improved Two-Way Partitioning Algorithm with Stable Performance

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Presentation on theme: "An Improved Two-Way Partitioning Algorithm with Stable Performance"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Improved Two-Way Partitioning Algorithm with Stable Performance
Chung-Kuan Cheng Yen-Chuen A. Wei

2 Motivation KL based Algorithms highly sensitive to initial conditions
Can be solved by multiple runs of the Algorithm Probability of finding good initial conditions drop exponentially with circuit size

3 Tools(1) – Ratio Cut Two way partitioning Algorithm
Finds partitioning with best ratio using RAB = CAB / (|A| x |B|) Partitioning not necessarily even

4 Tools(2) - FM Fiduccia-Mattheyses Partitioning
Move node with best gain that satisfies the balance condition from one partition to the other until all are locked

5 Step One - Divide Divide the design into two partitions using ratio cut Keep applying ratio cut to any partition larger than #Nodes/g Authors suggest g = 50

6 Step Two – Conquer Form Supernodes
Partition Supernodes using FM number_of_reps times using size constraints Authors suggest 10 for number_of_reps Choose best results from FM

7 Step Three – Clean Up Expand the Supernodes back out
Apply one more run of FM

8 Experimental Results

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