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Classical Conditioning

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1 Classical Conditioning
Ivan Pavlov: Russian Scientist

2 Pavlov’s Apparatus

3 Pavlov’s Apparatus ctd.
Pavlov harnessed a dog and placed food on the dog’s tongue. What do you think the dog did? Then, Pavlov paired the food with the sound of a bell. What did the dog do? Eventually, Pavlov only sounded the bell. What was the dog’s response at the sound of the bell?

4 Classical Conditioning Terms
Unconditioned Response (UR) A reflexive, natural behavior (dog drooling) Unconditioned Stimulus (US) A stimulus that brings about unconditioned response (the food) Neutral Stimulus Doesn’t initially bring about a response (what was it in the Pavlovian model?) Conditioned Response (CR) Happens through repeated pairings of the neutral stimulus (bell) and the US (the food) Conditioned Stimulus (CS) A previously neutral stimulus (the bell) is paired repeatedly with an US and begins to get a CR

5 Processes of Classical Conditioning

6 Classical Conditioning: More Terms
Trial: the pairing of the UCS & CS Acquisition: initial stage in learning when the dog drools for the first time at only the sound of the bell

7 Classical Conditioning: More Terms
Extinction: The CR (drool) will gradually weaken and eventually disappear when CS (bell) is presented without the US (food) Spontaneous Recovery: the CR (drool) will suddenly appear in response to a CS (bell) Reconditioning: when CS (bell) and US (food) are paired together, the CR (drool) is likely to be learned more quickly

8 Acquisition, Extinction, Recovery

9 More Classical Conditioning Terms
Stimulus Generalization CR (drool) is brought about by stimuli similar to the original CS (bell) Stimulus Discrimination The ability to differentiate among related stimuli Higher-Order Conditioning A previously neutral stimulus comes to elicit a CR when it is paired with a CS that already produces the CR

10 Higher-Order Conditioning

11 Stimulus Characteristics that Strengthen the CR
The more often the CS (bell) is paired with the US (food), the stronger the CR (drool) will be. The strongest CR occurs when the CS is presented first and remains present throughout the administration of the US. A stronger US will lead to faster conditioning than a weak one.

12 Examples of Classical Conditioning
Classical conditioning helps explain the development of conditioned emotional reactions

13 Examples of Classical Conditioning
Principles of classical conditioning may help explain phenomena that range from drug cravings to acquired taste aversion. Even immune-system responses can be classically conditioned! How have you been classically conditioned?

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