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Presentation on theme: "8/8/2019 THE RENAISSANCE CH 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 8/8/2019 THE RENAISSANCE CH 15

2 ITALY – “Rebirth” The RENAISSANCE was a “rebirth” of literary, scientific, and artistic achievement. Renewed interest in the Classics of Greece and Rome Northern Italy 1300s-1600s Why Italy? Wealth! Merchants had great power. Political Independence Roman ruins

3 Humanism Humanism was an intellectual movement that focused on Secular
knowledge Downplays religion (near Rome) Focus on the Humanities: Grammar, rhetoric, poetry, philosophy, history Studied classic literature and authors Aristotle, Cicero, Plato, Socrates, Hippocrates Emphasis on Civic Service Il Duomo, Florence, Italy by Brunelleschi

4 Humanism New techniques in painting, sculpture, and architecture
Used perspective to create the illusion of three dimensions Masaccio Vanishing point Realistic portrayal of human anatomy Nudes Secular and religious subject matter Rediscovered how to build domes Filippo Brunelleschi

5 Humanism Leonardo da Vinci: the model “Renaissance man”
artist, scientist, inventor, visionary Dissected human bodies to better understand anatomy Drew the first flying machine Raphael Sanzio Painted balance, harmony, and order, like the Greeks and Romans Famous for his Madonnas (Mary, mother of Jesus) Michelangelo Buonarroti Idealized human beings

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