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Twelfth Night Trivia Review.

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1 Twelfth Night Trivia Review

2 1. Who said…to whom? “Out hyperbolical fiend! How vexest thou this man! Talkest thou nothing but of ladies?”

3 2. Who said…to whom? “It hangs like flax upon a distaff.”

4 3. Who said…to whom? “Too well what love women to men may owe.
In faith, they are as true of heart as we. My father had a daughter loved a man As it might be, perhaps, were I a woman, Should your Lordship”

5 4. Who said…to whom? “A lady, sir, though it was said she much resembled me, was yet of many accounted beautiful. But though I could not with such estimable wonder overfar believe that, yet thus far I will boldly publish her: she bore a mind that envy could not but call fair.”

6 5. Who said…to whom? “If this fall into thy hand, revolve. In my stars I am above thee, but be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”

7 6. Who said…to whom? “Many do call me a fool.”

8 7. Who said…to whom? “This is a very midsummer madness.”

9 8. Who said… to whom? “She loves me for sure; the cunning of her passion Invites me in this churlish messenger. None of my lord’s ring? Why he sent her none. I am the man! If if be so, as ‘tis, Poor lady, she were better love a dream.”

10 9. Who said… to whom? “Disguise, I see thou art a wickedness Wherein the pregnant enemy does much.”

11 10. Who said…to whom? “’Tis not for gravity to play at cherry-pit with Satan.”

12 11. What literary device is…
“It hangs like flax upon a distaff.”

13 12. What literary device is…
“And make the babbling gossip of the air Cry out ‘Olivia!’”

14 13. What literary device is…
“Will you hoist sail sir? Here lies your way.” “No, good swabber, I am to hull here a little longer.”

15 14. This character… Listens to Orsino talk about love at the beginning of Act I scene i.

16 15. This character… Assists the knights in spying on Malvolio’s reaction to receiving the letter.

17 16. This character… Is in love, or believes to be in love with Olivia. (x3)

18 17. This character… Saves Viola from a difficult situation. (x2)

19 18. This character… Comes up with the plot to trick Malvolio.

20 19. This character… Is in love with love. (x2)

21 20. This character… Disguises himself as “Sir Topas.”

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