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Professional Certificate in Strategic Change Management

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1 Professional Certificate in Strategic Change Management
Culture / Competing Values 06 – 10 March 2017

2 Changing culture can improve results

3 A Participatory culture has many advantages
Participation with staff and customers improves communication and develops trust If managers do not share information people will make up their own. They gossip in corridor conversations. Decisions may be supported by little evidence By hearing diverse opinions we can improve decision making. Change can emerge from dialogue and open conversations Its disadvantage is that it can slow down decisions

4 Today’s reference for diagnosing culture

5 Diagnosing culture, the Competing Values Framework
This way of understanding culture was developed by Cameron and Quinn It analyses culture on two dimensions: Flexibility, discretion and dynamism against stability order and control 2. An internal focus on integration and unity against an external focus on differentiation and rivalry

6 Two dimensions - competing values in organisation culture


8 Effectiveness – core values in the 4 ‘ideal’cultures

9 4 ‘ideal’ types of culture
Hierarchy – values control. A bureaucracy with rules, specialised functions, hierarchy, accountability, line management Market – values competitiveness. A results driven organisation that seeks profitability by efficiency, positioning and productivity Clan – values collaboration. A friendly ‘extended family’ with shared values and goals, teamwork, employee involvement and people oriented self management Adhocracy – values creativity. A dynamic, responsive, innovative organisation where workers take risks to develop new products and services

10 Organisation cultures will be a mix of the 4 types
We can estimate how much of each culture is present A B C D

11 We can create a diagram to describe the existing culture
Most organisations develop a dominant cultural style

12 Some organisations have more than one dominant culture
We may discover different cultures in the same organisation

13 Mapping your culture using the Organisation Culture Assessment Questionnaire
Working alone complete the questionnaire for your as it is now. Calculate the score you have assigned to A B C and D Map the pattern of scores on the top diagram. Join the points to derive a shape for the resulting culture of your organisation as it is now Working alone complete the questionnaire for your organisation as you would expect it / hope it to be after the changes. Map the pattern of scores on the bottom diagram. Join the points to derive a shape for the future culture of your organisation

14 Changing Culture - planning the next steps
You should now have a picture of the current state and the “to be” state. You can now consider what changes and types of changes need to be implemented to achieve the “to be” state What do those changes mean for behaviour of Tops Middles and Bottoms of the organisation? What should we do more of? What should we do less of? What skills will we need to achieve it?

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