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Aspects of 21st Century Financial Aid Leadership

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1 Aspects of 21st Century Financial Aid Leadership
Mike Johnson, Director of Financial Aid Columbia Gorge Community College The Dalles, Oregon WASFAA 50th Anniversary Conference Tempe Mission Palms, Tempe, Arizona May 20-22, 2019

2 A history of financial aid leadership
In the 1950s and 1960s, campus financial aid efforts were led by administrators and faculty members who were moved into newly needed roles because they had basic office management skills, could do math, and had a desire to help needy students. As financial aid administration was becoming a recognized and regulated profession during the 1960s, early leaders formed state and regional associations, along with a national association, so they could share ideas.

3 A history of financial aid leadership
Starting in the 1970s, financial aid administration became a more specialized, regulated, technological, complex, and scrutinized effort. A broader view of who needs and deserves financial aid began to develop. Leaders had to manage larger staffs and more processes. The need for the networking, training, and advocacy efforts that associations fostered, and the need for effective association leadership at all levels, continued to grow.

4 A history of financial aid leadership
Now, financial aid administration combines promoting access and choice with ideas about how financial aid can/should be used to optimize enrollment and net revenue – while complying with ever-changing statutes and regulations. The implications for the skills that effective modern financial aid administration require are immense; and the need for active, effectively led associations has never been greater.

5 Financial aid administration leadership
What aspects of leadership are unique to, or at least specific to, effectively administering financial aid?

6 Financial aid administration leadership
The ability to ensure compliance with volumes of statutes and regulations by Interpreting and applying them. Explaining and defending how you apply them. Remaining informed about them and reacting appropriately to changes. Ensuring that staff members know and follow compliant policies and procedures.

7 Financial aid administration leadership
The ability to ensure effective use of technology by Having a detailed understanding of how systems support required and desired processes. Working closely with specialized staff, communicating effectively what you need from the system. Ensuring that updates are installed and tested. Ensuring that Financial Aid staff are knowledgeable about and comfortable with system processes. Being careful to protect student data.

8 Financial aid administration leadership
The ability to establish, maintain, and promote coordinated and cohesive teamwork that lets staff members understand their roles and how they fit into the overall office operation by Supporting, encouraging, and holding accountable staff members who have different skills, abilities, approaches, and perspectives. Ensuring adequate training and development not only specific to their responsibilities, but also to how their roles articulate with others.

9 Financial aid administration leadership
The ability to communicate often complex processes and requirements adequately to internal and external audiences by ensuring that All information – provided in all formats - is complete, accurate, accessible, and understandable. Campus partners know and appreciate how their work is part of the institution’s overall Financial Aid effort. Students, parents, campus partners, and institutional leaders are confident in the accuracy and timeliness of the information provided.

10 Financial aid administration leadership
How would you rank the administration leadership aspects we’ve talked about (compliance, technology, teamwork, communication) in relative importance? What other aspects of administration leadership do you think apply to financial aid administration? What aspects of administration leadership do you see in your offices that you’d like to share?

11 Financial aid association leadership
What aspects of leadership are unique to, or at least particularly critical for, effective financial aid association leadership?

12 Financial aid association leadership
The ability to be highly organized by Eliciting ideas for agenda items from participants, then providing the agendas well in advance of meetings Striking an appropriate balance during meetings between relaxed discussions and formal decisions and votes – guided by an agreed upon set of rules, and remaining on task and on time. Keeping and following up on a list of ‘to do’ items from each meeting with regular communications to participants between meetings

13 Financial aid association leadership
The ability to build and maintain consensus by Listening to, promoting discussion of, and valuing everyone’s ideas, suggestions, and criticisms. Directing discussions of pros and cons, costs and benefits, and possible long-term implications of decisions – always guided by the association’s vision and mission. Establishing an expectation that once decisions are made, dissenting views are set aside so that you can move on to other things, and so that membership sees evidence of unified leadership.

14 Financial aid association leadership
The ability to motivate participants by Telling them how much you value and appreciate their contributions, and how important they are – no matter how small. Communicate this feeling during meetings and in follow-up communications to participants and to the membership at large. As with building consensus, ensure that you ask for and consider everyone’s ideas and suggestions so they all feel included in decisions.

15 Financial aid association leadership
The ability to know when to step aside by Appreciating that a lot of potentially good leaders are out there. Actively seek them out and encourage their participation. Understanding that new people can bring new ideas and perspectives that can potentially move the association forward. Realizing that after you’ve had your turn, you can continue to contribute by serving as a resource and mentor to new leaders who will benefit greatly from the historical and contextual information you can provide.

16 Financial aid association leadership
How would you rank the association leadership aspects we’ve talked about (organization, consensus building, motivation, and stepping aside) in relative importance? What other aspects of association leadership do you think apply to financial aid administration? What aspects of association leadership have you seen that you’d like to share?

17 Thanks for participating!
Stay in touch with each other after you leave the conference. We’re all in this together, and we can all continue to benefit from sharing information.

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