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Futuretrack: Part‐time students ‐ learning alongside employment

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1 Futuretrack: Part‐time students ‐ learning alongside employment
Prof Claire Callender Birkbeck and the Institute of Education, University of London and David Wilkinson National Institute of Economic and Social Research, London HECSU Futuretrack Conference, 7 November 2012

2 Aims of research To collect data and investigate
students’ career intentions and ambitions; students’ career development/learning and decision- making the employment and training outcomes for part-time students; the views of employers of part-time students; and sources of student financial support. Recap on the original aims of the research. Bullets 1 and 2 – data collected at both waves, so can track how career development has evolved. Bullet 3 – data collected at wave 2 – a big part of the current report will look at the relationship between what students did when they were studying and the employment and training outcomes on completion of their studies. Bullet 4 – Geoff’s work with employers.

3 Futuretrack: Part-time
WAVE /08 3,704 part-time students drawn from 29 UK HEIs WAVE 1 1,876 1st year students Surveyed in 2008 WAVE /11 261 3rd year students Surveyed in 2010 1,828 final year students 1,021 graduates - two years on

4 The part-time student journey: survey data at 4 points in time
1st year students Wave 1 3rd year students Wave 2 Final Year students Graduates: 2 years on Wave 2

5 Does part-time HE study help meet the skills and employability agenda?

6 ‘Skill acquisition which does not enhance employability, earnings, labour market progression or which does not bring other economic and social returns, is a waste of public and private resources.’ (UKCES, 2010 p.109).

7 Skills acquisition, utilisation and development

8 Did students and graduates use the skills they learnt on their course in their job?

9 What skills did students and graduates learn on their course that they use in their job?

10 Labour market progression and earnings

11 Did students and graduates change jobs?

12 Did students and graduates get a pay rise or promotion as a direct result of their course?

13 Which graduates were most likely to get a pay rise and to improve their prospects?

14 Other economic returns to part-time study – changes to students and graduates’ working lives and attitudes to work

15 Did students and graduates’ working lives change as a direct result of their course?

16 Which graduates were most likely to experience changes in their working lives?

17 Social returns to part-time study – changes to students and graduates’ non-work aspects of their lives

18 Did students and graduates’ non-working lives change as a direct result of their course?

19 Which graduates were most likely to believe their “course helped me develop as a person”

20 ‘Skill acquisition which does not enhance employability , earnings,  labour market progression  or which does not bring other economic  and social returns,  is a waste of public and private resources.’ (UKCES, 2010 p.109).

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