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Rough Draft Due You will need your paper, your writer’s notebook and something to write with. You will be filing out a literary analysis checklist for.

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Presentation on theme: "Rough Draft Due You will need your paper, your writer’s notebook and something to write with. You will be filing out a literary analysis checklist for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rough Draft Due You will need your paper, your writer’s notebook and something to write with. You will be filing out a literary analysis checklist for a peer. Your partners are already assigned. You will read the paper quietly to yourself and then return it to your partner. Anything you want to ask your partner or tell them about his/her paper must be written down on the checklist. (Non-Verbal Activity) Once you have your checklist and paper returned to you complete the following: reflection questions, verbs check, and format check. Your final paper is due tomorrow - you will also be turning in your rough draft, pre-writing paper and your checklist!!

2 Peer Literary Analysis Checklist
Exchange papers with your partner. Read the paper quietly to yourself. Do not write on the paper – it does not belong to you – any questions and/or comments you have please put them on the checklist paper. -?’s/comments can include: confusing, not clear, be specific, great idea, easy to follow/understand Complete the checklist (on the left) using your partner’s paper. -Use your writer’s notebook to help you with transitions, analytical phrases, and format . - Be honest and detailed in order to help your partner make changes for their final copy. **This is your evaluation of the paper – anything you want to ask me about – ASK THEM!! Put it in writing on the checklist

3 Rough Draft– let’s see what your partner has said
Once you have your paper and your checklist back from your partner answer the following reflection questions on the back of the sheet: -What am I going to change for my final copy? -What is my paper missing? -Have I done my best work? Then in order to check format, complete the following on your rough draft paper: 1. Circle the main verb in the first 5 sentences with a pencil. Literary present tense? Is the subject of the sentence performing the action (Active Voice)? 2. Highlight your paper with the correct colors. (Including transitions) 3. Using the RN format, number the parts of the paragraph starting with 1 (thesis) and ending with 16 (concluding sentence). These do not have to be number of sentences put the 16 parts of the paper. Your final paper is due tomorrow - you will also be turning in your pre-writing paper and your checklist!!

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