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Vital Signs: Temperature

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1 Vital Signs: Temperature
Temperature Basics

2 Vital Signs Important indicators of health states of the body
Provide information about the basic body conditions Any drastic changes in these can lead to death It is essential VS are accurate VS are often the 1st indication of a disease or abnormality 4 main VS: temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure

3 Temperature Measurement of the balance between heat lost and heat produced by the body Heat is lost through perspiration, respiration, and excretion (urine and feces) Heat is produced by the metabolism of food, and by muscle and gland activity

4 Temperature A constant state of fluid balance (homeostasis) is ideal in the body The rates of chemical reactions in the body are regulated by body temperature If body temperature is too high or too low, the body’s fluid balance is affected.

5 Temperature Where can temperature be measured? mouth (oral)
rectum (rectal) armpit (axillary) ear canal (aural or tympanic) temporal artery (temporal)

6 Temperature Can be measured in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius (centigrade)

7 Temperature The normal range for body temperature is F or C Body temperature can vary for several reasons: Time of day-temp is usually lower in the am and higher in the pm Illness or Stress Exposure to heat or cold Body site the temp was taken in Individual body differences (accelerated body processes=higher temp, slower body processes=lower temp)

8 Temperature Causes of increased body temperature: Illness Infection
Exercise Excitement Hot environment

9 Temperature Causes of decreased body temperature:
Starvation or fasting Sleep Decreased muscle activity Mouth breathing Certain diseases

10 Temperature Vocabulary
Hypothermia=low body temp below 95 F rectally; caused by prolonged exposure to cold; death occurs is below 93F for a period of time Fever=elevated body temp above 101 F rectally Pyrexia=another term for fever

11 Temperature Vocabulary
Febrile=fever is present Afebrile=no fever, temp is within normal range Hyperthermia=body temp exceeds 104 F rectally caused by prolonged exposure to hot temps, brain damage, and serious infection T over 106 F leads to convulsions, brain damage, and death

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