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You should be able to solve 1D and 2D Momentum problems.

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1 You should be able to solve 1D and 2D Momentum problems.
Linear Momentum Learning Goal: You should be able to solve 1D and 2D Momentum problems.

2 Linear Momentum Antoine Lavoisier proved that mass was conserved by burning iron in a closed system. (The mass of any closed system remains constant.) Descartes pondered the actions of collisions in and wondered if some quantity of motion was conserved; why do objects slow down? Where did the motion go? Newton defined a quantity of motion that was conserved and called it momentum.

3 Linear Momentum The momentum of an object is defined as the product of its mass and velocity (not speed). Linear momentum looks at velocities just before or after a collision. The forces between the objects and external forces can be neglected or cancel out in an isolated system. We’ll look at the effects of forces later with impulse causing a change in momentum.

4 Linear Momentum Momentum is a vector quantity measured in kg m/s or Ns. (or g cm/s or kg km/h, etc.) p = mv The total momenta of components before a collision must equal the total momenta of those components after the collision. pi = pf or p = 0

5 Colliding Objects For two colliding objects bouncing off each other
m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1’ + m2v2’ For two colliding objects that stick m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1+m2)v’ In general: pi = pf


7 1D Problem A 75.0 kg rugby player runs at 4.0 m/s [E] and collides head-first with a 90.0 kg running at 4.0 m/s [W]. The lighter player bounces off at 1.0 m/s [W]. What is the final velocity of the heavier player right after the collision? pi = pf m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1’ + m2v2’ Sub in values! v2’ = 0.17 m/s [E]

8 1D Problem #2 A 6.0 Mg train rolls right at 2.0 m/s and collides and sticks to a 3.0 Mg train rolling left at 3.0 m/s. Find the final velocity of the trains. pi = pf m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1+m2)v’  sub in values v’ = 0.33 m/s [right]

9 2D Problem A kg Smart Car travels East at m/s and collides with a kg Hummer moving North at 5.0 m/s. If the two cars lock together upon impact, find their initial resulting velocity. pi = pf As this is not a linear question, we can use vectors and a vector diagram:

10 2D Diagram p=mv pH = (2000kg)(5m/s) = 10000kgm/s [N]
pS = (1200kg)(10m/s) = kgm/s [E]

11 θ = tan-1[(10000kgm/s)/(12000kgm/s)]
2D Problem continued pR2 = (10000kgm/s)2+(12000 kgm/s)2 |pR| = kgm/s |vR| = pR/mT = m/s θ = tan-1[(10000kgm/s)/(12000kgm/s)] = o N of E vR =

12 pix = pfx and piy = pfy
Crazy 2D Problem A grenade of mass 1.20 kg is at rest and it explodes into three pieces. One 0.50 kg piece travels at 3.0 m/s [N] and a 0.30 kg piece travels at 4.0 m/s [SW]. What is the velocity of the third piece? Δp = 0 where pi = 0 pix = pfx and piy = pfy

13 p1’ is moving North so has no x-component. p1y’ = 0.50 kg (3.0 m/s)[N]
Crazy 2D Problem contd. Object 1 p1’ p1’ is moving North so has no x-component. p1y’ = 0.50 kg (3.0 m/s)[N] = 1.5 kgm/s [N] p1x’ = 0

14 Crazy 2D Problem contd. p2’ p2y’ = cos45 (1.2 kgm/s) [S] p2x’
Object 2 p2y’ = cos45 (0.30kg)(4m/s) = cos45 (1.2 kgm/s) [S] p2x’ = sin45 (1.2 kgm/s) [W] p2’ p2x’ p2y’

15 2D Crazy Q still Momentum is conserved in each plane
p1x’ + p2x’ + p3x’ = 0 0 + (- sin 45 (1.2 kgm/s)) + p3x’ = 0 p3x’ = p1y’ + p2y’ + p3y’ = 0 1.5 kgm/s + (- cos 45 (1.2 kgm/s)) + p3y’ = 0 p3y’ =

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