Geo 265 - GIS Practicuum Introduction to ArcGIS 8 Exercise 5 - ESRI Virtual Campus Chapters 1-2, ArcGIS Methods …

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Presentation on theme: "Geo 265 - GIS Practicuum Introduction to ArcGIS 8 Exercise 5 - ESRI Virtual Campus Chapters 1-2, ArcGIS Methods …"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geo 265 - GIS Practicuum Introduction to ArcGIS 8 Exercise 5 - ESRI Virtual Campus Chapters 1-2, ArcGIS Methods …

2 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Preliminaries Exercise 4 due today Use What is ArcGIS pdf file for reference

3 ArcGIS ArcView & ArcInfo ArcView ArcExplorer Professional Desktop Viewer SDE MapObjects Internet Map Server Developer End User ESRI GIS Tools

4 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Arc Map Arc Catalog Arc Toolbox ArcGIS 8 Combines AV & AI

5 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Data Formats Geo-relational work directories Shapefiles ARC/INFO Coverages Existing GeoDatabases (all-relational) Stand-aloneSDENew

6 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum DBMS Object Orientation ArcCatalogArcMap ArcToolbox GeoDatabase Parcels MainsValves Pipes Rules Behavior

7 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Multi-User Database A Version A B Version B C Version C

8 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum ArcCatalog Data management and browsing application Works with all ARC/INFO and new data types

9 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum ArcCatalog Organize data and maps in a catalog Search and find data and maps View properties –Multiple views Create and manage metadata

10 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum The user interface Title bar: shows path to selected item Status bar: describes selected tools and menu items Contents panel: 3 views on tree items. Click tabs to change the view. Catalog tree: navigate to folders and databases.Tear- off and dockable. Toolbars: tear-off and dockable. One per Content view. Sizable! Drag dividers Menu bar Catalog toolbar Context menus: right-click on items.

11 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum The Catalog tree Navigate to data like Windows ® Explorer Icons, Content panel identify data types Supports drag-n- drop The Catalog Disk connection Folder with GIS data Folder with no GIS data MS Access ® database Feature dataset Feature class Table ARC/INFO coverage Feature class Shapefile (feature class) INFO table ARC/INFO grid Image Raster dataset ARC/INFO tin Filtered file Map (ArcMap) Layer (ArcCatalog & ArcMap) Database Connections node Add database connection SDE database connection Feature dataset Feature class Table

12 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum The Contents panel Four views of data: Everything Maps & layers Metadata Geodata & layers

13 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum View Documentation Metadata

14 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Metadata in Arc 8 Documents elements in your Catalog –Shapefiles, coverages, grids, etc. –Feature classes –Tables –Maps –Databases Each element can have Metadata

15 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Metadata in Arc 8 XML format (Web-enabled) Saved as part of the dataset Can be saved as a separate metadata base (like a card catalog) Can be published on the web

16 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Arc Map Display maps Build maps Analyze maps Publish maps Create data to put on maps Develop map applications

17 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum All map-based tasks

18 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Exploring the maps interface Title bar: shows map name Status bar: describes selected buttons and menu items; reports coordinates Display area: Map features draw in the display area Table of contents: Data views and layer legends are listed in the dockable TOC Toolbars: tear-off and dockable Menu bar Standard toolbar Sizable! Drag divider Context menus: right-click on data or layers. Draw toolbar Add Data Button

19 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Designing your map Focus on the map design Add your map elements to the virtual page Make your maps in layout view

20 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Organizing your data Layers appear in the TOC Layers draw in their TOC order, bottom-up New layers are smartly added in point, line, poly order

21 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Keeping track of where youve been Spatial bookmarks –Creating bookmarks –Naming bookmarks –Returning to a bookmark –Editing bookmarks

22 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Find a feature Search: –All layers –Selectable layers –One layer by name Flash Zoom Identify Spatial bookmark Select ARC Find **

23 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Generating reports Prototype report writer based on 3rd party software Put attribute data on the map (not implemented at beta) You control the data you see Customize the report style

24 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Charting your data Prototype charting tool based on 3rd party software Choose from several different chart types

25 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Referencing positions on your maps Graticule Map index Measured graticule

26 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Style sets contain: Symbols –Point –Line –Polygon –Text Graphic properties –Colors –Color ramps –Fonts Map elements –North arrows, scale bars, etc.

27 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Layers New concept Maps contain a set of layers –Like themes –Define how to draw and work with spatial datasets –Independent of the data Publish layers in the Catalog –Can be shared with other users

28 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Layers

29 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum ArcMap + VBA

30 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Arc Toolbox Advanced geoprocessing toolbox Organizes geoprocessing tools 120 tools Wizards for advanced tasks –Map projection –Data conversion Easy to use Local or remote geoprocessing

31 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Using Arc Toolbox Compose job with Arc Toolbox on Windows Execute locally or remotely 1. Compose job Arcedit Arcplot Arc 2. Perform geo-processing

32 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum ArcToolbox? Menu interface for coverage processing & conversion Data loading for Geodatabase Works well with ArcCatalog (drag-n-drop)

33 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum The user interface Tool description: describes selected tools and wizards Menu bar Context menus: Options for Tool tree items. Tool tree: Organizes tools and wizards by function. Wizards: For complex tasks Tools: For basic tools

34 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum The Tool Tree Navigate to tools like Windows ® Explorer Tools organized by function Tree is only 3 levels deep - easy to find tool you want Tree objects are: Tool sets Information screens Tools Wizards

35 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Four tool sets: Data Management Analysis Conversion Custom

36 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Working with wizards Explanation & guidance Not just new users Helpful graphics Smart defaults! This is the Buffer wizard One operation at a time

37 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Perform Geoprocessing

38 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum Schedule Virtual Campus, free module –Learning ArcGIS I, Basics of ArcGIS – Certificate due to Janine by Wed., Oct. 29th, 5:00 Exercise 6 starts next Wed., Oct. 29th

39 Geo 265, GIS Practicuum

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