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Requirements: Think about what the VERB means! Like in my example I did FOR YOU (but you totally can change if you’d like), tener means “to have.” Then,

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Presentation on theme: "Requirements: Think about what the VERB means! Like in my example I did FOR YOU (but you totally can change if you’d like), tener means “to have.” Then,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirements: Think about what the VERB means! Like in my example I did FOR YOU (but you totally can change if you’d like), tener means “to have.” Then, after thinking of the meaning, look at the irregular stem: tendr So we have: to have and TENDR for the future verb conjugation stem. Now, create a one-liner FOR EVERY IRREGULAR STEM using the meaning and the future to recall the meaning & the irregular stem- look at my example for TENDR on the next slide Make sure your phrase is future-oriented! Look at my example. We’ll be looking at these on MONDAY together. POST TO SCHOOLOGY! 

2 Los irregulares del futuro
Cabr- Dir- Habrá – Har- Podr- PoNdr- Querr- Sabr- Saldr- Tendr- “I will have chicken TENDRs please!” Valdr- Vendr-

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