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Welcome to KS4 Options Evening

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to KS4 Options Evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to KS4 Options Evening

2 The Core Curriculum Subject Lessons per week English Yr10:3 Yr11:4
Maths Yr10:4 Yr11:3 PE 2 RS 1 Science 4 plus 4 option choices

3 9-1 GCSE Grades 2 Year Courses Exams at the end of 2 years
New Grade Old Grade 9 A* 8 A 7 6 B 5 C 4 3 D E 2 F 1 G 2 Year Courses Exams at the end of 2 years Reduced (or no) coursework

4 Technological Subjects
A Balanced Choice 4 Areas Humanities Languages Technological Subjects Creative Arts Geography French DT: Materials Art History German DT: Electronic & Mechanical Systems Dance Religious Studies  Spanish DT: Textiles Drama and Theatre Arts French for Business & Travel DT: Engineering Materials Music German for Business & Travel Food Preparation and Nutrition Spanish for Business & Travel ICT: Creative iMedia Computer Science

5 Double Subject Choice Choose 2 subjects from one of the 4 areas and 2 other subjects from 2 different areas

6 Technological Subjects
A Balanced Choice 4 Areas Humanities Languages Technological Subjects Creative Arts Geography French DT: Materials Art History German DT: Electronic & Mechanical Systems Dance Religious Studies  Spanish DT: Textiles Drama and Theatre Arts French for Business & Travel DT: Engineering Materials Music German for Business & Travel Food Preparation and Nutrition Spanish for Business & Travel ICT: Creative iMedia Computer Science

7 Alternative Choices Choose one of the alternative subjects, and 3 others from each of 3 areas: CoPE Child Development Business Studies GCSE PE Curriculum Support (by invitation)

8 Dual Award Subjects Construction Skills (City & Guilds Level 1)
Land & the Environment (BTEC Level 1) These courses cover 4 lessons of learning each week, so count as 2 choices. Talk to Mr Philips.

9 What if my choices don’t fit?
Write down the subjects you want to study, in order of preference Put 2 reserves too… helps us plan in case your 1st choices don’t work

10 The English Baccalaureate
To achieve this measure, you need to get GCSE grade 5 or above in…. English Language or Literature Mathematics 2 Sciences (Trilogy Science, Computer) History or Geography A Language (French, German or Spanish)

11 Your GCSEs Matter This is the start of a four year journey
Grades in these subjects will effect your choices and the range of options open to you at the end of Year 11:- Higher level course at school or college ​ Jobs or apprenticeships University ​ Please do your best in all your subjects

12 Subject Choices Do Matter
Most universities and jobs do not require specific GCSE option subjects For a few courses, however, you may need specific subjects, for example:- Art and design based courses Language courses For other university courses, they may prefer some GCSE subjects Check out the entry requirements

13 Experience and Personal Statements
You can start building your personal statement from today Project Work Voluntary Work Extra-curricular Activities Work Experience (e.g. Law, Teaching, Medicine) Books, Newspapers, Journals, Blogs TV Programmes and Documentaries

14 History, Geography, French, German, Spanish, Computer Science
Some advice Choose subjects you enjoy Choose subjects that keep doors open for your future You cannot do more than one “DT” subject Choose at least one of the EBacc subjects History, Geography, French, German, Spanish, Computer Science

15 What next? Talk to the staff at Options’ Evening and in lessons
Talk to your parents/carers Talk to your tutor Talk to Mr Niven and Mr Cave Talk to Terry from Adviza Complete your form ……and…….

16 Hand it in to your tutor By Friday, 29th March.


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