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How to Draw the Brachial Plexus

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1 How to Draw the Brachial Plexus
by Beth B. Krippendorf, Ph.D. Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy Medical College of Wisconsin  2005 Beth B. Krippendorf

2 Directions This PowerPoint presentation is animated, such that the appearance of image components and transitions between slides will occur automatically. Alternatively, clicking on the left mouse button will advance the presentation.

3 Educational Purpose This brief, animated PowerPoint presentation guides anatomy students through the process of making a simple drawing of the brachial plexus. This “mnemonic drawing” can help students learn the basic parts of the brachial plexus and serve as a first step in understanding this clinically important nerve network.

4 Begin with a letter “Y”, an “I” and a “Y”.

5 Add a “strike” and a “spare” (bowling scorekeeping symbols)

6 Draw “arches”.

7 Draw horizontal lines to separate the parts.
Roots Trunks Divisions Cords Branches

8 Begin labeling. C5 C6 C7 C8 T1 Roots Trunks Divisions Cords Branches
Upper Middle Lower Lateral Posterior Medial SLOW Axillary Median Radial Ulnar Musculocutaneous

9 Add details . . . Branches off the posterior cord spell “ULTRA”
Roots Trunks Divisions Cords Branches Upper Middle Lower Lateral Posterior Medial Upper subscapular Lower subscapular Thoracodorsal SLOW SLOW Musculocutaneous Axillary Median Radial Ulnar

10 “3M” comes off the medial cord.
Roots Trunks Divisions Cords Branches Upper Middle Lower Lateral Posterior Upper subscapular Medial Medial pectoral n. Lower subscapular Medial cutan. n. of arm Thoracodorsal Medial cutan. n. forearm SLOW SLOW Axillary Median Radial Ulnar Musculocutaneous

11 The lateral pectoral n. comes off the lateral cord.
Axillary Radial Roots Trunks Divisions Cords Branches C5 C6 C7 C8 T1 Upper Middle Lower Musculocutaneous Median Ulnar Lateral Posterior Medial Upper subscapular Lower subscapular Thoracodorsal Medial pectoral n. Medial cutan. n. of arm Medial cutan. n. forearm Lateral pectoral n.

12 There are 4 supraclavicular branches.
Roots Long Thoracic n. Dorsal Scapular n. Trunks Upper N. to subclavius Middle Lower Suprascapular n. Divisions Posterior Cords Lateral Upper subscapular Medial Medial pectoral n. Lateral pectoral n. Lower subscapular Medial cutan. n. of arm Thoracodorsal Medial cutan. n. forearm Branches SLOW Axillary Median Radial Ulnar Musculocutaneous

13 That’s it! The Brachial Plexus
Roots Trunks Divisions Cords Branches Long Thoracic n. Dorsal Scapular n. Upper N. to subclavius Middle Lower Suprascapular n. Posterior Lateral Upper subscapular Medial Medial pectoral n. Lateral pectoral n. Lower subscapular Medial cutan. n. of arm Thoracodorsal Medial cutan. n. forearm Axillary Median Radial Ulnar Musculocutaneous

14 The End

15 This Resource Successfully Peer Reviewed by MedEdPORTAL on 11/21/05
This Resource Successfully Peer Reviewed by MedEdPORTAL on 11/21/05. MedEdPORTAL Publication Number: 117 Alternations to this Resource Created After This Date Have Not Been Reviewed By MedEdPORTAL.

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