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Endoplasmic reticulum

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1 Endoplasmic reticulum
Function Synthesizing proteins, lipids, and steroids Two types: rough ER and smooth ER Key components LOTS of membranes Vesicles Cisternae Ribosomes


3 Golgi apparatus Function Key components
Modify and package proteins and lipids made in the rough ER Key components Flattened stacks Cisternae Vesicles






9 Mitochondria Function Key components Energy-producing machines! ATP
Regulation of metabolism Stores calcium Key components Inner and outer membranes Cristae Matrix Ribosomes Own genome (from mom)




13 Lysosomes Function Key components Digest biological molecules
Increased acidity compared to the rest of the cell pH ~4.5 Key components LOTS of enzymes Proton pumps (hydrogen)


15 Cytoskeleton Function Key components Architecture of the cell
Help localize organelles Facilitate cell shape changes Key components Actin microfilaments Microtubules Intermediate filaments






21 Chloroplasts Function Key components Photosynthesis
Produce sugar using sun’s energy Key components Chlorophyll Lots of membranes

22 Figure 1-20 Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)

23 Figure 1-21 Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)

24 Algae biofuels Sunlight + Water + CO2  Sugar processed into lipids (oil)

25 Light Microscope Resolution = 200 nm (0.2 µm)
Wavelength of light: 0.4 – 0.7 µm Cells can be alive, fixed, and/or stained

26 Fluorescence Microscopy
Fixed or live cells Light of a specific wavelength is projected onto a sample Light is emitted from the sample based on the kind of dye/probe it is labeled with


28 Confocal Microscopy Cells need to be fixed
Producing a 3D image of a sample by scanning through it layer by layer

29 Electron Microscope Resolution = 2 nm
Dead cells are fixed with heavy metals Transmission EM Image is produced by electron scattering as they go through a thin sample Scanning EM Image is produced by electron scattering as they bounce off of the sample

30 $45, ,000

31 Why do we use them?

32 Model Organisms Escherichia coli (Prokaryote) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Drosophila melanogaster Arabidopsis thaliana Zebrafish Mus muscularis Eukaryotes

33 Advantages of Model Organisms
E. coli Prokaryote Cheap and easy to grow in bulk Kept as frozen stock Generation time = 30 minutes Store and express foreign DNA Lots of mutants Entire genome sequenced Transformation of exogenous DNA

34 S. cerevisiae Eukaryote Has two sexes Cheap and easy to grow
Mating experiments Cheap and easy to grow Kept as frozen stock Generation time = 2 hours Store and express foreign DNA Lots of mutants Entire genome sequenced


36 Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Generation time = 6 weeks
Large number of offspring (thousands+) Foreign DNA can be introduced Lots of mutants Entire genome sequenced Not much “junk” DNA

37 Drosophila Invertebrate Has two sexes Fairly cheap and easy to grow
Mating experiments Fairly cheap and easy to grow Generation time = 12 days Large number of offspring (hundreds+) Foreign DNA can be introduced Lots of mutants tinman (no heart), lilliputian (small), dreadlocks, cheap date, swiss cheese, lava lamp, lunatic fringe, radical fringe, manic fringe Entire genome sequenced




41 C. elegans Invertebrate, multi-cellular Has two sexes
Mating experiments Cheap and easy to grow Kept as frozen stock Generation time = 3 days Large number of offspring (hundreds+) Fate of all 959 cells known Store and express foreign DNA Lots of mutants Dumpy, uncoordinated, bag-o-worms Entire genome sequenced




45 Zebrafish Vertebrate Has two sexes Generation time = 3 months
Mating experiments Generation time = 3 months Large number of offspring (hundreds+) Good number of mutants available floating head, half stoned, dynamo, tiggywinkle hedgehog, one-eyed pinhead Eggs are clear Can observe developmental changes



48 Mus muscularis Vertebrate Has two sexes Generation time = 10 weeks
Mating experiments Generation time = 10 weeks Good number of mutants Foreign DNA can be introduced Can “knock out” genes to study human diseases Entire genome sequenced

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