Research for Your Presentation

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1 Research for Your Presentation
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2 Following the steps and suggestions in this presentation will save you
Introduction Many students do not understand the process of doing research to build a presentation or a research paper This presentation will help you to plan and complete the projects for this class and any other class that you need to do research for Following the steps and suggestions in this presentation will save you a lot of time and work!

3 Topics of Discussion Getting Started Taking Notes Using an Outline
Avoiding Plagiarism Working with Quotations Citing Sources

4 Getting Started Once you have your topic you need to gather information With the Internet Ethics assignment and the Search the Web assignment, web sites are provided Visit at least three of the provided sites for each topic, take notes and compare information Keep the source reference and the notes together

5 Taking Notes First note your source. Look for -
Author, (date of publication), Title of Article, retrieved today’s date, URL Look for - What Is It About? Can I Define It? What Are The Main Points? What Quote Or Quotes Could I Use? How Could I Summarize It? How can I use this in my presentation?

6 Notate the Source First
Click on the first source to open it in a new browser window Here is the way to note the source for the first site in the Ethics Web Quest

7 Here is the name of the author. Note this first.
Here is the date.

8 After the title of the article put “retrieved”
and today’s date Here is the title of the article. Make sure you underline it in the source reference.

9 Remember to visit at least three sites for each topic!
Your source should now look like: Rod Hames, (1998), Computer Ethics? Right vs.Wrong, retrieved Sep. 5, 2004, Last copy the URL and paste it in

10 Taking Notes Continued…
What are you going to put in your notes? Look for: What is it? Can I define it? What are the main points? What quote or quotes could I use? How can I summarize it?

11 Using An Outline Fabric Patterns Technique Fabric Weaves Care Function/use Patterns How to cut pattern How to determine sizing How to use patterns Technique Stitching Safety Make a list of the main ideas of the article you are reading Use Roman numerals to list them and leave several lines of space between each main idea Use Letters of the alphabet for the detail under each main idea

12 Avoiding Plagiarism You should write 90% of your work.
According to Rod Hames (1998) Computer Ethics is more than just the golden rule. On a web page by Rod Hames (1998) Computer Ethics is more than just the golden rule. Computer Ethics is more than just the golden rule as stated by Rod Hames (1998). You should write 90% of your work. Copying and pasting and changing a few words is still plagiarism. (and besides most of the time it doesn’t work very well.) When you quote use quotation marks and mention the author and the copyright or updated date. You can paraphrase, but you still need to cite the source.

13 Working with Quotations
Part of this quote doesn’t fit what you would be doing in your paper. (In this article, we will try and explain different situations that clearly show right from wrong associated with computer technology.) The citation is right. “Ethics is more than just the "Golden Rule".  It is a principle of what is right and wrong.  Everybody knows its wrong to lie, cheat, steal, etc...  However, some people don't know you are not suppose to  copy a game you purchase and then give it to your sister so she can use it on her computer.  In this article, we will try and explain different situations that clearly show right from wrong associated with computer technology.” (Rod Hames, 1998) It is ok to quote someone, but you need to remember that all of the quotes together should be less than 10% of your work. Make sure that it fits what you are talking about. Cite it correctly with the name of the author and date of publication or update after the quote.

14 Citing Sources The full citing of sources also comes at the end of your presentation or paper After your conclusion prepare a slide or page that holds all of the sources of the sites you visited both on the slide and in the notes section Rod Hames, (1998), Computer Ethics? Right vs. Wrong, retrieved Sep. 5, 2004,

15 Conclusion Following these steps will speed up completion of your assignments and save you from having to do a lot of editing. Take good notes and you will have a great presentation From that presentation your essay will be almost completed Work smart

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