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From Job Search to Job Offer

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1 From Job Search to Job Offer
Scott AFRC Employment Assistance Program From Job Search to Job Offer

2 Class Administration A&FRC Marketing Breaks Smoking Areas Cell phones
SIP Marketing: upcoming classes:

3 The Stats This seminar is based on information from Louise Kursmark and Wendy Enelow of the Resume Writing Academy. We have several of the publications available for check out.

4 How to Start 1. Clean up your Social Network
2. Rekindle & Grow Network 3. Make a list of your work history, volunteerism, projects, accomplishments, education, training, skills 4. Set obtainable goals 5. Continue Learning 6. Step out of your comfort zone

5 What Do Resumes Do? The Resume Identify your value to the employer
Highlight work accomplishments, experience, and education Emphasize skills that match job requirements Resume purpose: to make you appear to be the ideal candidate for your dream job…it is a marketing tool!

6 The Resume 1. Contact Information Rose M. Hill * (Ms.) Quinn Hill  Ndege “Nick” Vernon  There are several factors to consider when writing your name. Most people use full name at top of resume but it is becoming more and more acceptable to use name by which you prefer to be called. Bear in mind that you want your reader to be comfortable when calling for an interview. That comfort may decrease if your name is gender neutral, difficult to pronounce or very unusual. You can make it easier. Contact information is decreasing Home address – optional One phone number, one address (aol dates you; get free account with yahoo, gmail or hotmail) Also, be conservative with name. No Links to additional information is increasing LinkedIn profile Link to web portfolio Link or QR code (Quick Response Code) Number you can be reached at, i.e.m cell on home. Include name, phone number and at top of second page and each additional page after that. Just in case they get separated.

7 2. Career Summary The Resume
PURPOSE: Catch the reader’s attention. Entice them to continue reading. The summary is the section at the top of your resume that summarizes and highlights your knowledge and expertise. Some ask about using an “objective”. A career summary can be a more powerful introduction wherein an objective is too specific or too vague. “ An Electrical Engineer Position, ” or Challenging opportunity with a progressive organization offering the opportunity for growth and advancement. Career summary allows you to paint a picture.

8 3. Professional Experience
The Resume 3. Professional Experience Chronological format Skill set format Volunteerism Special projects Recommend bullet format Putting in Months / Year Highlight achievements, accomplishments, recognition, and numbers This section may take the longest to write and may be positioned in several different places. ( after summary or after education; between summary and education) For example you may have had the same position for ten years. So then the question becomes how can you consolidate all that you have done in one section? On the other end of the spectrum, if you have had several short-term jobs, how can you make your experience seem substantial. What do you include, when and where. The answer is “it depends.” It depends on you, your experience, your achievements and successes. Analyzed and streamlined existing production process resulting in 20% savings in production costs Ranked top sales person of the year increasing product revenue 30% over last year.”

9 4. Education & Training The Resume List School, Degree, Date Completed
Add Minor if relevant Add Coursework if you lack job experience Internships and Special Projects May go on top or bottom depending on experience. GPA if above 3.5 School Recognitions Specialized Training (length and date) This section may take the longest to write and may be positioned in several different places. ( after summary or after education; between summary and education) For example you may have had the same position for ten years. So then the question becomes how can you consolidate all that you have done in one section? On the other end of the spectrum, if you have had several short-term jobs, how can you make your experience seem substantial. What do you include, when and where. The answer is “it depends.” It depends on you, your experience, your achievements and successes.

10 The Resume 5. “Extras” Technology Skills Equipment Skills Honors and Awards Public Speaking Publications Committees and Task Forces Professional Affiliations Volunteerism Languages This is the section where you should include things that will distinguish you from other candidates and clearly demonstrate your value to a prospective employer.

11 The Resume Arrangement - Styles Chronological
Begins with your most recent position and other jobs in reverse chronological order Most Common, widely received and trusted Works well for job seekers with a strong, solid work history Functional Focuses on your skills and experience rather than your chronological work history Used most often by people changing careers or those with employment gaps By highlighting skills rather than history one can emphasize that he or she is qualified Combination Mix between functional and chronological The top of the resume is a list of one’s skills and qualifications. The bottom or second page is one’s chronologic work history

12 85% of resumes are never seen by a HUMAN!
The Resume Scannable Type 85% of resumes are never seen by a HUMAN! Most employers use software to help them to conduct an initial screening of resumes. These Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) screen out or reject an estimated 70%or more of the resumes submitted either because the documents don't reflect the desired qualifications or are formatted in a way that the system can't read. “Knockout” Keywords or Answers Legal and Logistical – able to work in US, geographical area Basic Qualifications – Do you have X degree or license Hot Match Analyzes and rates applicants against job descriptions Rates match at 50%, 75%, and 90%

13 The Resume Word it out Beat the Bots Job Scan

14 LinkedIn

15 LinkedIn Premium Services:
Moving due to a permanent change of station or transitioning from the military? You now have access to the most powerful jobhunting tool. SECO and LinkedIn offer military spouses moving due to a PCS and within 6 months of separating from the military access to a one-year LI premium. Premium Services: Profile Views - Shows everyone that has viewed your profile in the last 90 days. InMail – 5 InMails per month. Can be carried over. Advanced Search – Fine tune your search for people and companies. Open Network – Allow anyone to connect with you. Competition Level – See where you stand before applying LI Learning – Access to 12K courses

16 LinkedIn How to become an All-Star Your industry and location
Users with complete profiles are 40x more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn than someone with an incomplete profile. How to become an All-Star Your industry and location An up-to-date current position (with a description) Two past positions Your education Your skills (minimum of 3) A profile photo At least 50 connections

17 LinkedIn The Best Profiles Include: Professional Picture
A LinkedIn Banner Customized URL Header with Keywords Summary that is catchy Experience with numbers and accomplishments Volunteerism Skills and Endorsements Recommendations 200+ Connections Engagement

18 Your Job Search Do recruiters want quantity or quality?
Do you want to apply for job where everyone else is? Indeed is the best place to find the most jobs. However, it is the worst place to apply for jobs. Use it…but separate yourself from the competition

19 Your Job Search Why does LI dominate in this category?
Is this where you should be performing your search? This is where you should put your time and energy. It is where the recruiters lurk and where they are spending their money.

20 Your Job Search Let’s say you are looking for a position with a company…

21 Your Job Search Premium Account Standard Account

22 Your Job Search Ask for the Referral
Edit the message to show your qualifications. This could increase your chances 11x

23 Your Job Search Scrapped Jobs on LinkedIn Dedicated Jobs on LinkedIn
Takes you to company website to apply. They pay LI to take from their site. Application process is different. “Easier”

24 Your Job Search What the Employer See When You “Easy” Apply
The Candidates Name The Headline beneath the name Current Job Title Past Employment Job Title Education Recommendations Contact Information Important information to consider when applying 90% of have ZERO RECOMMENDATIONS Craft Headline to Meet Criteria Read Announcement; update profile Employers don’t get the whole picture Make Contact and Reach Out

25 The Interview Before the interview: Research the company
Culture, Mission, Industry Glassdoor, LI, YouTube, Facebook Dress Code Study potential questions Determine location Prepare questions to ask During the interview: 1st Impression is lasting Make it a conversation You are interviewing them Take your time Arrive 20 minutes early Starts when leave your car Be friendly with everyone After the interview: Follow Up – &card Follow up – phone call Be Patient Be thankful – good or bad Be confident Remain Relaxed

26 Thank You Letter/Card The Interview Often overlooked!
Shows your genuine interest Reminds the hiring manager to contact you Send after every interview Be brief Send within 24 hours Use as last resort

Provides an opportunity for participants and employers to interact. An event where the basic purpose is to share information and network. An opportunity to offer resume and gather business cards.

28 Networking Before the Event: Research the companies attending
Pick top 5 you want to visit 2. Create insightful questions 3. Search their job openings During the Event: Scope the layout of the land Make your game plan/avoid the assembly line approach 2. Dress appropriately 3. Ask questions / impress 4. Network with everyone 5. Avoid the ‘goodies’ After the Event: Take Notes What went well or wrong 2. Follow up on LI 3. Request an Informational Interview

29 Salary Talk in ranges $40 – 50K Remember Benefits Remote Work
Know your worth Talk in ranges $40 – 50K Remember Benefits Remote Work Potential for Raises Medical Insurance - TriCare

30 Resources

31 ICE Comment Card Please take a moment to tell leadership about the wonderful services offered at the A&FRC

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