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4. Rise of islam and Islamic Civilization

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1 4. Rise of islam and Islamic Civilization

2 Arabia in Mohammed's time
Various tribes lived in Arabia. These tribes were nomads and worshiped many different gods Jewish and Christian communities also settled in Arabia.

3 Mohamed was born in Mecca around the year 570
Mohamed was born in Mecca around the year 570. He began working as a merchant. He heard the voice of the angel Gabriel who told him to proclaim the one true God, Allah. A prophet is a messenger of God. He received messages from Allah. He preached about equality and poverty.

4 The ruling elite feared Mohamed and his followers and began to persecute them. In 622 A.D. Mohamed and his followers immigrated. It is the beginning of the Islam calendar.

5 Muslims accept the teachings of the Jewish Torah and the Christian Gospels.
The religion is called Islam. The people who practice Islam are called Muslims. Koran is Holy Book of Islam Muslims pray in a place called a Mosque. Minaret is a tall spire where the muezzin call the muslims to pray.

6 Islamic symbol The Star and Crescent Moon
You will find the Star and Crescent Moon on many Islamic nation’s flags.

7 Muslims accept the teachings of the Jewish Torah and the Christian Gospels
Five simple rules are called Five Pillars of Islam: 1) They believe in one god, Allah. You will never see an image of Allah.

8 2) They pray facing Mecca five times a day
3. Almsgiving: All Muslims pay a tax to help the poor

9 4. Fasting: Muslims fast from sunrise till sunset during the month of Ramadan.
Ramadan celebrates thar Mohamed received the Korán from Allah 5. Pilgrimage: All Muslims want to make a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca once in their lifetimes. The Kaaba is the most sacred site in Islam

10 I. The Spread of Islam During the 8th Century the empire spread from Spain to the edge of India. Baghdad (Iraq) became the centre. Map of the expansion of Islam. 7th-8th centuries

11 Muslim scientists preserved the knowledge of ancient Greeks and Romans.

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