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Culture for the Upper Class

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1 Culture for the Upper Class
Books, Music, Architecture and the “Grand tour”

2 Elite culture: Combining Old and New
Patronage and sponsorship of artists with works performed in private halls Classical spirit of ancient Greece and Rome – symmetry, proportion and reason New: Artists and authors emphasizing emotion and nature creating a “cult of sensibility” & realism in art and literature Increase in literacy and access to books makes things more accessible

3 New: Rococo In contrast to France’s prior obsession with symmetry and classicism, rococo was ornate and used light colours, asymmetrical designs, curves, and gold. Unlike the political Baroque, the Rococo had playful and witty themes. 

4 Fashion There was a common culture of elaborate clothing, polished manners and highly structured conversation throughout upper class Europe

5 Bookstores & Novels Accessible place to find Enlightenment ideas
Women began to read more and more – writers emerged who wrote to their tastes & female writers Global book trade Middle class are the readers so books reflect their tastes

6 Art : Pride and sentiment
Aristocracy commission portraits and paintings Paintings show scenes of intimate aristocratic private life Classical themes with current people Everyday people represented as well

7 music Music was made to appeal to aristocratic tastes
It began to be performed in more public halls for more people to hear - Opera houses were springing up everywhere Vienna, Austria is the music “hub” Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel & Mozart Mozart became wealthy enough to leave his patrons, and he composed 600+ works

8 “Grand tour” Many considered travelling across Europe to learn different things and experience different cultures as a vital aspect of life during the Enlightenment This was called the “Grand Tour” and it was considered important to education It could also include travelling to ruins of ancient Greece & Rome

9 Culture for the Lower Class
Festivals, religion, stories & Alcohol

10 Festivals & Alcohol Festivals were generally seasonal, and based on agriculture or religion Weddings included a community procession, religious aspects, music, dancing, feasts and games Mingling of upper and lower class at some festivals, and at things like cockfights and dogfights Sports are popular

11 England had an issue with the lower classes suffering from alcoholism – specifically with gin = fear of social decay

12 Literature Increased literacy from the printing press – % of people were literate There was mostly oral story telling, but small pamphlets, books and almanacs were popular Folktales and songs revolved around how to survive or morals Middle and upper classes do have some crossover in what they read  1724 book published in Britain containing biographies of contemporary pirates

13 Religion Churches ran schools and hospitals, church bells kept the time, and holidays were religious Pietism = minimized dogma and increased individual piety Revivalist movements Methodism in England Catholic Jansenism and Quietism Jewish Hasidism in Eastern Europe These movements kept the social order intact

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