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The Enlightenment Spreads

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1 The Enlightenment Spreads
Chapter 22 Section 3

2 Key Terms Salons Baroque Enlightened despots John Locke
Neoclassical Enlightened despots Catherine the Great

3 A World of Ideas 1700’s a new generation of philosophers
Reason could solve human problems Enlightenment- age of reason, time of optimism and possibility

4 A World of Ideas People gathered in public and coffe houses to debate ideas Writers published ideas in books and magazines 1700’s Paris was the center for intellectual activity Salons-Parisian women hosted gatherings of philosophers, artists, and scientists

5 Diderot and the Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia-Compiled all known knowledge into a single work Worked on it for 27 years Leaders attacked it because it criticized the church, government, and the legal system

6 Diderot and the Encyclopedia
Government tried to stop publication Diderot compiled the remaining volumes in secret Helped spread enlightenment ideas through Europe and North America

7 Neoclassical Style Emerges
’s Baroque period-characterized by grand ornate design Palace of Versailles Late 1700’s Neoclassical- simple, elegant borrowed from Greece and Rome

8 Changes in Music and Literature
Bach and Handel dominated the music scene Wrote dramatic organ and choral music During enlightenment music became lighter more elegant Classical style emerged

9 Changes in Music and Literature
Composers in Vienna Austria Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven 18th century writers developed new forms of literature Authors started to write novels

10 Changes in Music and Literature
Novels were lengthy works of prose or fiction Crafted plots, suspense, and explored character’ thoughts and feelings Popular with the middle class Written in everyday language

11 Changes in Music and Literature
Writers many women turned out floods of novels in the 1700’s Samuel Richardson’s Pamela first true English novel Servant girl refuses advances by her master Tom Jones by Henry Fielding tells the story of an orphan who travels England

12 Enlightenment and the Monarchy
Voltaire- monarchy best form, ruler should respect the people’s rights Enlightened despots- monarchs who embrace the new ideas of the enlightenment Had no intention of giving up power Wanted to make their country stronger Their own rule more effective

13 Prussia Frederick II-duty was to rule with absolute power
Established elementary education Abolished torture supported most religious tolerance Reduced censorship Called himself the “ first servant of the state”

14 Prussia Did not extend religious tolerance to the Jews
Limited how many could live in Prussia Opposed serfdom Reforms were made to make Prussia stronger and his own rule more powerful

15 Joseph II Most radical reformer Successor to Maria Theresa
Introduced legal reforms, freedom of the press Supported freedom of worship Abolished serfdom Peasants to be paid

16 Catherine the Great Catherine the Great read the works of philosophers, corresponded with them Supported education and culture Drafted Russian constitution and a code of laws

17 Catherine the Great Considered too liberal and never put into practice
Wanted to free serfs but did not want to lose support from the wealthy Actually imposed more serfdom on Russians

18 Catherine Expands Russia
Catherine had two wars with the Ottoman Empire Won control of Northern shore of the Black Sea Russia, Prussia, Austria all take a piece of Poland Called the First Partition 1793, 1795 more partitions Poland disappeared as an independent country

19 Catherine Expands Russia
Catherine vastly enlarges the Russian Empire Russia became an international power

20 Later, Times and Places Britain faced challenges in North America
Ideas of power and authority would inspire ideas and revolution American colonies would break away Strongly influenced by Locke and Rousseau Formed independent republic

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