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Cluster week 4 September 16 & 17, 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Cluster week 4 September 16 & 17, 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cluster week 4 September 16 & 17, 2014

2 Welcome to cluster Please sign in and take papers
Sit with your content Popsicle stick=Questioning from the rubric 3 things=TKS

3 Use 2 activity papers to pick who reads

4 Annual Cluster Goal By May 2015, all 7th and 8th grade students will demonstrate a year’s growth in ELA and Math as evidenced by a pre/post Galileo test resulting in a combined *AYP growth score from 55 to 60. Skill focus ELA: Skill focus in Math: *AYP=Average Yearly Progress Waiting for results of Galileo for skill focus: popsicle sticks

5 DVMS School Goal Galileo Results—GET READY!
Waiting for results of Galileo

6 Cluster Cycle 1 Goal By the end of the first cluster cycle, teachers will effectively analyze student work and monitor student achievement as evidenced by a 3.0 or higher average score of all teachers in each of the following three TAP rubric indicators: Standards and Objectives, Assessment, and Student Work. Popsicle sticks

7 Evaluate New Learning Teachers will discuss at tables what Tier I interventions have been successful.

8 Identify the Need Teachers will develop student work assignments that align to the SW descriptors by using the rubric and reviewing student work samples.

9 Obtain New Learning Rubric Study(back of agenda)
Indicator- Student Work What are the differences between a score of 3 and a score of 5? How do these descriptors align with Galileo data? DOK levels of rigor, EXTENDED writing, (both have writing)

10 Obtain New Learning Standard Objective: SKS
Student work scaffolded and linked to prior learning? 3 descriptors of student work Look at the example at your table: how is the example aligned to the rubric?

11 Develop student work that: 1. Interprets information
What are you aiming for in the TAP Rubric for Student Work? A 3 or a 5? Keep that in mind while planning. Develop New Learning Develop student work that: 1. Interprets information 2. Draws conclusions through writing 3. Connects what they learn to prior learning and life experience Model our tier 1 strategy by purposeful grouping goes with Lesson plan—Tier I ideas from

12 Use the completed products in your classroom
Apply New Learning Use the completed products in your classroom

13 Bring Back Samples of completed student work: High, Medium, and Low

14 Closure Follow Up conversations in PLC
NO cluster next week due to Fall conference

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