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European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP) February Vienna

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Presentation on theme: "European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP) February Vienna"— Presentation transcript:

1 European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP) 13-14 February Vienna
Energy Accounts - Examples – (cf. compilation guide chap. 6: Treatment of selected flows)

2 1. Supply and use of electricity produced by autoproducers
- 1c 1a 2a 3a 4a - 1b 1d 2b 3b 4b

3 2a. Supply and use of biomass (fuel wood and biofuel)

4 2b. Supply and use of biomass (biogas and landfill gas)

5 3. Supply and use of wind and solar energy

6 4. Supply and use of coke, coke oven gas and blast-furnace gas

7 5. Supply and use of waste

8 6. Supply and use of energy for non-energy use

9 7. Supply and use of natural gas

10 8. Supply and use of nuclear energy

11 Thank you very much for your attention!

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