The Nuts and Bolts of Utilizing an Executive Council

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Presentation on theme: "The Nuts and Bolts of Utilizing an Executive Council"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nuts and Bolts of Utilizing an Executive Council
E3: Shared Leadership: The Nuts and Bolts of Utilizing an Executive Council 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Oakland Middle School Columbia, MO

2 Oakland Middle School uses a shared leadership group called Executive Council with members elected by their peers. An Executive Council charter was established through the creation of a governing structure to uphold the basic beliefs outlined in the Oakland Middle School Vision.

3 The Executive Council is charged with maintaining an emphasis on the improvement of teaching and learning. Oakland is committed to shared decision-making. The Executive Council develops school improvement initiatives to meet the needs of all students.

4 This session will focus on the purpose, responsibilities, and decision-making process for Executive Council at Oakland Middle School.

5 Executive Council is a shared leadership group in charge of supporting school improvement.

6 Executive Council at Oakland Middle School has been in existence for five years. This group is made up of elected teachers, voted upon by their peers.

7 Executive Council consists of seven voting members
Executive Council consists of seven voting members. The voting members are the principal, and six certified staff members (i.e. those in certified positions other than administrators). The six certified members are elected by the staff.

8 Terms served on the council are for a period of two years with three positions on the council up for election each year. Initially, three members of the council served a one-year term before the rotation process began. Vacancies on the council are filled through special election.

9 All Executive Council meetings are open to non- council members
All Executive Council meetings are open to non- council members. Meetings are held at least twice a month.

10 The Oakland faculty and staff established a charter through the creation of a governing structure to uphold the basic beliefs outlined in the Oakland Vision.

11 It is the responsibility of the Executive Council to develop school improvement initiatives to meet the needs of all our students. This governing structure, Executive Council, is charged with maintaining an emphasis on the improvement of teaching and learning at Oakland.

12 As a fundamental institution of our democratic society, this school is committed to three basic principles of shared decision-making: 1. All persons may be involved in making decisions. 2. No person is required to be involved in making decisions. 3. Once decisions are made, the decisions are supported by everyone.

13 The responsibilities of Executive Council include:

14 The responsibilities of Executive Council include:
• Making decisions and establishing priorities in congruence with the Vision for school-wide improvement.

15 The responsibilities of Executive Council include:
• Coordinating Shared Supervision Groups consisting of certified staff members (each Shared Supervision Group will be led by an Executive Council member or an appointed facilitator).

16 The responsibilities of Executive Council include:
• Gathering information and ideas from all certified staff through Shared Supervision Groups.

17 The responsibilities of Executive Council include:
• Evaluating evidence for school-wide improvement.

18 The responsibilities of Executive Council include:
• Forming and maintaining committees/task forces to address issues of school improvement as needed.

19 The responsibilities of Executive Council include:
• Making decisions on recommendations from committees/task forces.

20 The responsibilities of Executive Council include:
• Reviewing professional development requests and determining the use of funds.

21 The decision-making procedures of Executive Council include:
1. The Council reviews, revises, accepts, or rejects recommendations based on input from Shared Planning Groups, committees, and task forces. 2. While consensus is the preferred method of decision- making, on occasions when consensus can not be reached, a simple majority vote will determine a decision. For the purposes of decision-making, a quorum shall consist of five members present. 3. The principal retains the final authority for personnel and fiscal decisions.

22 Achievement Effective Instruction (PLCs, AFL)
80% of all Oakland students will pass all of their courses for the – 2015 school year.                                     

23 Enrichment Literacy (WICOR, RACE, Content Area Reading/ Vocab)
80% of Oakland students will be proficient in answering a constructed response question as measured by the OMS standard Constructed Response rubric for the school year.                

24 Opportunity Learning Behavior (BIST, SLANTT & PBS)
90% of Oakland Middle School students will have a 90% or better attendance rate for the school year.

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