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HBCo. & NWC Fur trade battle grew fierce. Furs become scarce & posts moved farther and farther inland (as far west as B.C.) The “race” for the west was on.

3 THE METIS (French for ‘mixed’)
The NWCo. encouraged native/European marriages. It secured trading rights and helped to improve voyageurs’ lifestyle. Many lived in the Red River Valley and combined both Native and European lifestyles. Buffalo hunts Pemmican (for sale to voyageurs) Seigneurial land patterns Farmers

4 THE BUFFALO HUNT HIDE - blankets, BONE - Clubs, arrowheads,
robes, whips, saddles, Clothing, moccasins. BONE - Clubs, arrowheads, foods, knives, ornaments. SINEW / MUSCLE Thread, Bow strings.. HAIR - Halters, Padding, head dress, ornaments. FAT - soap. BUFFALO CHIPS -fuel. HORN - Clubs, spoons, ornaments, Powder horns. TAIL - ceremonial ornamental. SKULL - ceremonial. BRAIN - used for tanning. BLADDER - Bags, pouches. TEETH - necklas ornaments. SCROTUM - rattles. TONGUE Meat. MEAT- Roasted - Boiled, dried. HOOF/FOOT Rattles, glue, spoons. BEARD Ornaments. INTERNAL ORGANS - food, containers. MARROW - Food, Soup.

Wealthy landowners decided to stop renting much of their land to farmers in Scotland Many of them moved to N. America. Selkirk was director of the HBC and felt he could give Scottish farmers a home & supply HBC workers with food. Convinced HBC to give him sq. km. => Selkirk’s Grant. Nobody even considered the people already living there. Selkirk Scottish Enclosures - farmers forced to leave, as land was more valuable for grazing sheep.

Scottish not used to harsh winters. Macdonell’s farmers arrived too late to prepare for winter. Farmers first crops were failures. Pemmican proclamation ordered to feed settlers. Métis not allowed to export pemmican for 1 year NWC retaliated against Pemmican proclamation. Worked with Métis to drive the HBC and new settlers away

7 The Merger of the HBC and the NWC (1821)
George Simpson NWC and HBC continued to struggle for control over the Red River, as well as control of the fur trade for several years As the pelts declined the two fur trading companies both approached bankruptcy How would this affect the Northwest Territory/Rupert’s Land? England forced them to merge => The Hudson’s Bay Company. Frances Simpson

Red River Cart For next 40 yrs, a relatively peaceful, stable, self-sufficient community. By 1860, 80% ‘mixed’ descent. Built around the needs of the HBC. To this day, Winnipeg St. is The widest street in Can. It was built to fit ten “Red River Carts.” Red River Rich Farm Land



11 Review Where is Red River? Who lives in this area?
What happened after the form of Confederation?

12 No one had consulted the Métis
Cause Canada bought Rupert’s land William McDougall Tensions rose- land structure No one had consulted the Métis How did they feel? What are their worries?

13 “In a little while it will be over
“In a little while it will be over. We may fail, but the rights for which we contend will not die.” — Louis Riel

14 First, Try to Solve Peacefully
The Metis’ Reaction First, Try to Solve Peacefully National Committee of the Metis Lead by Riel Sent a note to Ottawa - McDougall shouldn’t enter without their permission When McDougall arrived, they blocked him

15 violent but want to negotiate
The Métis’ Reaction Provisional Government Lead by Riel Occupied Fort Gary - to get govt’s attention Goal: - Negotiate with the Canadian gov. to establish Manitoba as a province - The Metis should have a voice Pro- Metis violent but want to negotiate Metis List of Rights

16 Anti-Métis Opinion The Canada Party Lead by Dr. John Schultz
not a political party - agitators Goal: reconstruct the colony in the image of Protestant Ontario prepared to attack Fort Garry - defeated Pro- Canada

17 Métis List of Rights We demand that:
The people have the right to elect their own legislature The legislature has the power to determine all laws within our territory English and French must both be used in government and in the courts, and all public documents must be written in both languages. Treaties between First Nations groups and the Government must be negotiated to ensure peaceful co-existence in the prairies.

18 What would you feel if you are Riel?
The Métis’ Reaction Thomas Scott Catholics shouldn’t be allowed Metis should have no rights Execution!!!!! What would you feel if you are Riel? What will you do? Was that smart?

19 Canada’s Reaction Compromise
(Promised) The creation of Manitoba hectares of land for the Metis Colonel Wolseley was sent to keep peace The provisional govt. would not be an official government Manitoba 1970

20 Canada’s Reaction Angry - Scott's execution
John A. promised Riel that he would receive amnesty At the same time, MacDonald’s government announced that Riel was wanted for arrest Riel learned about this and fled Canada for the USA

21 Canada’s Reaction The province of Manitoba was created, but would not recognize the Métis’ provisional government. The 200,000 hectares were never given The Métis had to accept the decision, run away, or be arrested Most of them fled to the Saskatchewan area Manitoba developed as a European-style province; the Métis gradually lost their original culture.

22 Discuss Louis Riel - Hero or Traitor?

23 Discuss Struggle of the First Nations Canada’s change

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