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Collaborative Expedition Workshop #58 Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Exploring the Potentials and Realities of the Identity Management Landscape for Convergence.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborative Expedition Workshop #58 Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Exploring the Potentials and Realities of the Identity Management Landscape for Convergence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborative Expedition Workshop #58 Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Exploring the Potentials and Realities of the Identity Management Landscape for Convergence and Service Oriented Architecture Susan Turnbull, GSA, Senior Program Advisor, Intergovernmental Solutions Division, Office of Citizen Services and Communications, Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee and Co-chair, Social Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Development, Subcommittee on Networking and IT R&D The Collaboration Expedition Workshops are a place for individuals and CoPs to explore how to create, as DougEngelbart would say, "Frontier Outposts" to help us to collectively envision possibilities. When our different ways of seeing and being in the world can be attuned, we all experience a longer, clearer horizon for strategic, coordinated action. The first workshop, in March 2001 was a simple brown bag lunch. GeorgeBrett shared with SusanTurnbull and several colleagues his perspective about tools to help individuals work in community. As of April, 2004, all-day workshops draw people together from multiple perspectives. Participants share a sense of purpose around societal challenges immune to tactics by single groups. The Expedition workshop story is being documented as a technological change process that goes beyond "technology-driven" change. By centering around people and the "whole system" challenges they organize around, IT design and development processes can mature with less risk and greater national yield of breakthrough performance innovations.

2 Building Sustainable KM and EA Stewardship Practices Across CoPs
Collaborative Expedition Workshops and Collaborative Work Environment Co-sponsors: GSA's Intergovernmental Solutions Division Architecture and Infrastructure and Best Practices Committees of the Federal CIO Council – National Coordination Office of the Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology R & D (NITRD) and Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development (SEW) Coordinating Group, NITRD –

3 Emerging Technology Subcommittee, AIC
Tuning ET Together - From Stovepipes to Wind Chimes Purpose: This subcommittee provides an “incubator” organizing process to accelerate discovery, maturation, and validation of capabilities that leverage FEA principles and priorities. The key components of our charter are: Greater foresight and discernment as established and emerging technologies compete and converge Longer life-cycles through market-based, open standards technologies Common understanding of business scenarios to anticipate performance outcomes and mitigate risks. Participation in this subcommittee will help you improve your agencies’ strategic foresight and collaboration capacity around strategic IT assets. Key FY06/FY07 Activities/Deliverables 1. Forging effective IPv6 strategies together (example in FY06) 2. Life-cycle process for ET discovery and collaborative action – 3. Strategic Dialogue Among Communities at Open Forums – Collaborative Expedition Workshops Co-Chair Contact Information Susan Turnbull John McManus


5 Expedition Workshops: Building Sustainable KM and EA Stewardship Practices Across CoPs
Organize around common purpose, larger than any institution, to appreciate potentials and realities Improve quality of dialogue and collaborative prototyping at intergovernmental crossroads Participants, representing many forms of expertise, return to their settings with a larger perspective of the “whole” De Tocqueville “Americans of all ages, all conditions, and all dispositions form associations. …In democratic countries the science of association is the mother of science; the progress of all the rest depends on the progress it has made.” 1. Mature open forum process in place - Crossroads for building trusted relationships and alignment among Communities of Practice (CoPs) and other stakeholders in light of shared goals to leverage EA. a. New Communities of Practice to network with: i. Federal Data Repository Users Group ii. Interoperable Manufacturing - NIST communities – toward uniform budget and financial reporting for recipients of grants from state and local governments GEOINT community SICoP/ Ontology Taxonomy Coodinating WG Health IT Ontology Project b. Additional Forum Partner: Human Computer Interaction and Information Management Coordinating Group, NITRD – November 8 joint workshop on information integration in light of complex legal and access sensitivities

6 Create conducive conditions for “Breakthrough” Innovations
Expedition Workshops: Building Sustainable KM and EA Stewardship Practices Across CoPs Create conducive conditions for “Breakthrough” Innovations Authoritative Communities of Interest/ Practice around Common Business Lines Agile Framework for Building Intergovernmental Services Emergence of Open Standards, Semantic Technology “In design, we either hobble or support people’s natural ability to express forms of expertise.” Prof. David D. Woods To build common understanding of fundamental concepts needed for communities, representing diverse forms of expertise, to work together to leverage EA toward improved public service delivery at lower cost. Leverages learning and collaborative prototyping around how emerging data sets, tools and services could be deployed within and across communities. Facilitates socializing around emerging institutional components (open collaboration, governance for DRM evolution) and cyber-infrastructure components, currently under development by all the subcommittees of the AIC. Creates conducive conditions for co-development of emerging institutional and cyber-infrastructure components in a problem -centered, cross-boundary context with greater potential for re-use and reduced risk (including lock-in, disconnected system costs) Creates conducive conditions, through Communities of Practice, for agencies using the Performance Reference Model to identify performance improvement opportunities crossing traditional structures and boundaries.

7 Expedition Workshops: Building Sustainable KM and EA Stewardship Practices Across CoPs
How can multiple Communities of Practice discover and organize around common mission needs to build shared understanding? How can shared understanding around several select, urgent cross-boundary scenarios be accelerated? What is the role of collaborative prototyping around emerging technology potential, in light of the Federal Enterprise Architecture's Reference Models? c. New Processes: i. practicing collaborative prototyping with real-world scenario as multiple CoPs/CoIs might do in the future (July 19, August 16 workshops with hands-on exercises) ii. open virtual collaboration with open comment process d. New Technology role Lightweight tools that emphasize augmenting the capacities of communities to develop shared understanding around joint mission-related actions e. New Questions III. Building Collaboration Readiness / Discernment Questions: 1. How can multiple communities work together using relevant scenarios to build stewardship practices that support readiness and realization of a mission-driven, data-sharing network and architecture in light of the Data Reference Model? 2. How is the emerging maturity of notation systems generally, enabling multiple notation systems to reinforce and map to one another, while contributing to current demands for real-time readiness and visibility of the "whole picture"? 3. How can the capacities of trust, agility, and accountability be achieved through federated stewardship among communities still building common ground and understanding? 4. How can Communities of Interest define their identities, roles, and relationships in a manner that reinforces their individual and collective capacities?

8 Expedition Workshops: Building Sustainable KM and EA Stewardship Practices Across CoPs
Key Findings: FY03 - Agile business components in innovative settings not easily discovered by e-government managers, resulting in lost or delayed opportunities for all parties. FY04 - Growing Opportunity to apply Emerging Technologies (web services, grid computing, and semantic web) to tune up Innovation Pipeline with better linkages. FY05 - Collaborative Work Environment expands effective networking across intergovernmental communities and complements monthly Collaborative Expedition Workshops; validated efficacy with Data Reference Model Working Group FY06 – Networking Among Communities of Practice with Communities co-organizing the workshops, provides conducive environment to build shared understanding toward joint action around promising technology potentials Emerging Components Conference Series established in FY04 from FY03 findings Five national dialogue conferences have been held: two at the White House Conference Center, one at the Washington DC Convention Center and two at MITRE Conference #6, on June 13, held in conjunction with the First Data Reference Model (DRM) Public Forum. FY04 findings Business incubators (state economic development programs) Innovation diffusion networks (SBIR, angel investors, etc.) and Business intelligence centers with quality information about e-government and e-commerce gaps. Semantic Interoperability CoP, Best Practices Committee XML CoP, Architecture & Infrastructure Committee – http// IT R& D Communities FY05 Joint OMB/AIC Data Reference Model initiative established – led by Mike Daconta, DHS, Susan Turnbull, Architecture and Infrastructure Committee Representative and Mary McCaffery, Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office Representative FY05 Collaborative Work Environment June 13 – Quarterly DRM Public Forum and Emerging Components Conference June 28 – Collaborative Expedition Workshop #41 July 19 – Collaborative Expedition Workshop #42 August 16 - Collaborative Expedition Workshop #43 September 23 - Collaborative Expedition Workshop #44 November 8 – Collaborative Expedition Workshop #45

9 Expedition Workshops: Building Sustainable KM and EA Stewardship Practices Across CoPs
Value: “Frontier Outpost" to open up quality conversations, augmented by information technology, to leverage collaborative capacity of united, but diverse sectors of society, seeking to discover, frame, and act on national potentials. Over 56 workshops since March, 2001 Results: in FY06 12 Expedition workshops, participants/workshop 13 Communities of Practice, >1500 participants 1.12 million visits to site/3.88 million file downloads Alignment: Networking among Communities of Practice Planning upcoming workshops together Building common understanding of fundamental concepts needed for communities representing diverse forms of expertise, to work together to leverage toward improved public service delivery at lower cost. II. Open Forums and Quarterly Conferences to Socialize Emerging Institutional and Cyberinfrastructure Components –        see March 15 – Toward a National Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture: Seeing the Way Forward Together – 74 participants May 17 - Building Discernment Across Communities: Seeing Through Complexity Together: Review of research findings on drivers of high performance collaborations and Community of Practice Use Cases – 50 participants June 13 – Joint Meeting: First Quarterly DRM Public Forum and Sixth Quarterly Emerging Components Conference: Toward a Unified Data Reference Model: Seeing the Way Forward Together– 270 participants June 28 –Open Standards for Government Information Sharing: Exploring DRM and Section 207d Congruence - 55 participants July 19 –Designing the DRM for Data Visibility: Building Sustainable Stewardship Practices Together, Part 1 – 75 participants August 16 –Designing the DRM for Data Accessibility: Building Sustainable Stewardship Practices Together, Part 2 – 93 participants September 14 – Second Quarterly DRM Public Forum and Seventh Quarterly Emerging Components Conference September 23 –Governance and Procurement Readiness Challenges in Future Service Oriented Architecture: Leveraging the Data Reference Model

10 Today’s Workshop Purpose and Questions
To explore the potentials and realities of the Identity Management landscape for convergence and advancement of SOA maturity. As the Identity Management landscape responds to net-centricity and broad-based, cross-enterprise architecture demands, what are the opportunities for leveraging greater transparency and openness to achieve mission agility and greater value from existing and future information assets? What are the national scenarios where distributed identity management will be fundamental to national readiness and coordinated action by institutions? How can we draw on strategic leadership communities and "best practices" to move toward more agile cyberinfrastructure that transcends the high costs of insularity?

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