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William Hasty (Quality and Enhancement Specialist, QAA Scotland)

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Presentation on theme: "William Hasty (Quality and Enhancement Specialist, QAA Scotland)"— Presentation transcript:

1 William Hasty (Quality and Enhancement Specialist, QAA Scotland)
What does Student-Led Teaching Award data tell us and how can we use it at a national level? William Hasty (Quality and Enhancement Specialist, QAA Scotland) Stef Black (Development Consultant, sparqs)

2 QAA Scotland Focus On ELIR Technical and Outcome Reports
QAA Thematic reports FOCUS ON PROJECTS QAA intelligence SHEEC input Assessment and feedback ( ) Collaborative activity ( ) Institution-led review ( ) PGR student experience Feedback from assessment ( ) Graduate skills ( )

3 Focus On: Assessment from Feedback (2017-18)
Feedback from assessment was an area for development in 9 ELIRs in during the last review cycle. What did review teams think could be improved? timeliness of feedback helping students to use feedback to understand grades consistency of feedback across different subject areas overall quality of feedback

4 Focus On: Assessment and Feedback
Activities and Outputs: Research Project What does student-led teaching award nomination data tell us about student perceptions of good feedback? Feedback from Assessment films Sector progress and the future for feedback What do staff and students say about feedback? How can we use technology effectively to improve feedback? What works? Staff and students give their views. Webinars and Tweetchats 4 webinars on use of tech in feedback and 2 tweetchats on current practice Sharing practice event 100 staff and students from 15 HEIs

5 Student-led Teaching Award project
As part of the Focus On: Feedback from Assessment project, QAA Scotland undertook an analysis of Student-Led Teaching Award nomination data to explore what students value in the feedback they receive from assessment. The focus of the analysis was on interpreting perceptions of ‘good’ feedback as expressed by students through their qualitative nomination statements and identifying key themes. Research based on data provided by 10 students’ associations… just under 5,000 nominations were received and reviewed, and of these an illustrative sample of 318 nominations from across the 10 institutions was used

6 What did we find?

7 What did we find?

8 What did we find?

9 Student-led Teaching Award: Summary of findings

10 Talking point: Group 1 How is (or could) SLTA data be used to inform policy at your association/union or institution?

11 Talking point: Group 2 How are (or could) you be working with other associations/unions or institutions to design your SLTA?

12 Talking point: Group 3 How are (or could) you be working with other associations/unions or institutions to share and analyse SLTA data?

13 Talking point: Group 4 To what extent do you work with and/or share the data from your SLTA with your institution?

14 Talking point: Group 5 What questions do you ask students through your SLTA? How many are open

15 Talking points: All groups
1. What else/next for SLTA data analysis? 2. What action will you take? 3. What support do you need?

16 sparqs project Cross-sector sharing of practice and approaches in using the SLTA data– staff support, training/development? National network or community of SLTA providers? Further analysing of data at a sector level? Themes? Development of a toolkit/guidance on how to get the most from your SLTAs?

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