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Book Three.

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1 Book Three

2 1. Have you ever heard of Hollywood?
Reading Preview 1. Have you ever heard of Hollywood? 2. Which movie is your favorite one?

3 American Movies Since the 1940’s, Hollywood, in southern California, has been the movie capital of the world. Many films have been made there. Probably some people might not know then the President of the United States, but few would not know Hollywood Gone with the Wind, a representative of the early films, has long been an all-time champion at the box office. It is rewritten from a famous novel with the same title. The film is mainly about several families in the South of the U.S. during the Civil War. Many famous stars played major characters in this film and they made it so attractive.

4 Another successful film was the Sound of Music shown in 1966
Another successful film was the Sound of Music shown in The lovely young lady in the film and her charming songs evoked the people’s passion for life. In recent years, Hollywood turned its attention to science fiction. E.T. and Star Wars were two successful examples produced in the 1970’s. To make such films Hollywood spent millions upon millions of dollars and used high technology. These films are wonderful. When people know the films are producers’ imagination, nobody will be so serious as to check them for truth in terms of science and technology.

5 California : a state of the U. S. A

6 capital: town or city that is the center of government of a country, state or province

7 office at a theatre, cinema, etc. where tickets are bought or reserved
box office: office at a theatre, cinema, etc. where tickets are bought or reserved

8 E.T.: the Extra Terrestrial

9 with the intension of doing sth.
so…as to: with the intension of doing sth.

10 as regards sth.; expressed as sth.
in terms of: as regards sth.; expressed as sth.

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