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Beryllium By: Jenny and Mingly.

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1 Beryllium By: Jenny and Mingly

2 Table of Content Beryllium ..p1 Facts to Learn..p2 Compounds..p3
Pictures..p4 Glossary..p5 Bibliography..p6

3 Beryllium Beryllium is the 4th element in the Periodic table. It was discovered and named in 1798 by a chemist named Vaquelin. He had found this element when he was working with emeralds. Purified Beryllium is grey. Beryllium can cause lung cancer.

4 facts to learn Gray, hard, steel-like metal.
It was protected by a thin layer of oxide to protect it from air. Fourth element of the periodic table. Discover in 1789 by a chemist called Vaquelin. You can never find beryllium alone, its always mixed with other elements. It is non-magnetic. Used in aircraft, computer parts and instrument, also used in the nuclear industry. Beryllium reacts to chlorine. Cost $530 if its is a 100g pure beryllium. It is toxic.

5 Compounds BeH2: beryllium (II) hydride BeF2: beryllium (II) fluoride
BeCl2: beryllium (II) chloride BeBr2: beryllium (II) bromide BeI2: beryllium (II) iodide BeO: beryllium (II) oxide BeS: beryllium (II) sulphide BeSe: beryllium (II) selenide BeTe: beryllium (II) telluride Be3N2: beryllium (II) nitride

6 Pictures

7 Glossary Beryllium making it a good electrical and thermal conductor. Beryllium, a metal, is lightweight, hard, non-magnetic and resistant to heat

8 Bibliography

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