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Dragons & Giants Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Dragons & Giants Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dragons & Giants Vocabulary

2 Shaking with cold, fear, anger, or weakness
trembling Shaking with cold, fear, anger, or weakness

3 leaping jumping

4 Breathing in short breaths
puffing Breathing in short breaths

5 Past tense of scream: to make a loud, shrill cry or sound.
screamed Past tense of scream: to make a loud, shrill cry or sound.

6 Able to face danger or pain without fear.
brave Able to face danger or pain without fear.

7 A mass of land that rises very high above the surrounding area.
mountain A mass of land that rises very high above the surrounding area.

8 A natural hole in the ground or in the side of a mountain.
cave A natural hole in the ground or in the side of a mountain.

9 Stones or snow rolling down a mountain.
avalanche Stones or snow rolling down a mountain.

10 shadow A dark area or figure made when rays of light are blocked by a person or thing.

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