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The bell rings or you are LATE!

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Presentation on theme: "The bell rings or you are LATE!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The bell rings or you are LATE!
You must be IN YOUR ASSIGNED SEAT when The bell rings or you are LATE!

2 Automatic Referral—Zero Tolerance
Reminders NO Phones or Earphones! Automatic Referral—Zero Tolerance

3 End of 2nd 6 Weeks! All Make Up Work is DUE On Wed, April 24th
April 22nd…… All Make Up Work is DUE On Wed, April 24th

4 US History Notebook Check 2 And Notes 9 Quiz FRIDAY

5 Notes #9 VOCAB!

6 pragmatic (adj.) Having a practical point of view
Syn: practical, realistic, down to earth

7 rugged individualism (n.)
belief individual can succeed w/o govt. help Syn: self-reliance;

8 humanitarianism (n.) Belief that people should care about well-being of all people Syn: selflessness

9 public works (n.) Infrastructure such as roads, post offices, or dams paid for by govt. $$$ for public use. Syn: publicly funded construction

10 relief (n.) Money, food, or other help given to those in poverty or need Syn: aid, assistance, welfare

11 Stock market Crash and Great Depression Part 1
Key Terms Bank “Runs” Unemployment President Hoover Tries Credit Buying on “Margin” Black Tuesday

12 Buying on “Credit” -Buy Now, Pay Later -You guys know how this works,
Think of credit cards or layaway -Consumers spent too much On things they could not afford

13 Great Depression 1920s: stock market kept going up!!!
People borrowed money to buy stocks… called ‘BUYING on THE MARGIN’

14 Pay off debt with your earnings!
Playing the Stock Market 1921 Buy stock on margin! Pay only 10% down! Buy now, pay later. Pay off debt with your earnings! Pay $100, get $900 on credit! Stock Broker

15 1929 Farming totally wipes out... Farming Stock: $0 Steel
Companies lied about profits. Investment drops. Workers laid off. Stock:$800 Durable Goods Consumerism– Workers cannot afford new items. Workers laid off. Stock: $400 Railroads Railroads do not make as much profit as expected. Cannot pay stock holders. Workers laid off. Stocks: $1200 Banking People cannot pay debts. Banks fail. Workers laid off. Stocks: $1200

16 Stocks become worthless!
Playing the Stock Market 1929 People cannot make payments for Stock bought on margin! Stocks become worthless! Stock Broker


18 Bank Runs People became so scared their bank
Would go out of business that they All rushed to the bank to get their Money. This caused the Banks to start crashing. You saw this in the video we watched.


20 Unemployment Unemployment shot Up after banks started Pulling loans.
Was 3% before Black Tuesday. Shot up to 25% by 1933.

21 Herbert Hoover Was the President when the stock
Market crash happened, so he has Gotten the blame. Believed that government should Mostly stay out of economic issues Tried a few small programs to help, like the Hoover Dam and loans for businesses. It was too little, too late….

22 Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal
Key Terms Herbert Hoover Election of 1932 Fireside Chats New Deal NRA AAA CCC Social Security Critics of New Deal-Why? Roosevelt Coalition 3 Accomplishments Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal

23 Hoover Tried….but failed
Trusted business Believed in a balanced budget, so he would not spend enough money He was not a good communicator

24 Election of 1932 In 1932 presidential election, FDR was perceived as a man of action. Hoover was viewed as a “do-nothing president.” Results: a landslide for Democrats


26 Situation When FDR Entered Office
In March 1933, the country was virtually leaderless and the banking system had collapsed.

27 FDR Restored Confidence
In his inaugural address, he said “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself….” Fireside Chats: Speeches on the radio given as a regular conversation

28 Purposes of the New Deal
The “New Deal” was the name of FDR’s plan for ending the Depression. It had two parts: Relief: to provide jobs for the unemployed Recovery: to get the economy back into high gear

29 National Recovery Act (NRA)
Purpose: recovery of industry and jobs Created a partnership of business, labor, and government to save businesses and jobs.

30 First Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
Purpose: the recovery of agriculture Paid farmers who agreed to reduce production of basic crops To raise prices Backlash: People were hungry, but food production was cut back!

31 New Deal, pt. 2 Key Terms FDIC CCC Social Security
Critics of the New Deal Roosevelt Coalition Three Accomplishments

32 Insurance Corporation)
FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) -We needed to stop bank runs and Make sure people’s money was safe. -The FDIC returns your deposits if a Bank goes out of business. -We still have this today!

33 Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)
Purpose: relief through Public Works Gave outdoor work to unemployed men between the ages of 17 and 29 They received $30 per month, but $22 went back to the family

34 Social Security Act Money taken out in a special tax….used to fund pensions for old people and disabled people. The trick of an “account.” There Really is no account with your name.

35 The New Deal on Trial NEW DEAL
Some people didn’t like the New Deal Programs….. NEW DEAL

36 Criticisms of Conservative Opponents
Conservative opponents said the New Deal went too far: It added to the national debt ($35 billion) It violated the constitution & states rights It increased the power of the Presidency too much!

37 The Roosevelt Coalition
With many New Deal programs helping people, Roosevelt was able to build the Democratic Party very strong…. Workers, Farmers, Women, African Americans Democrats Held Power until Nixon/Reagan.

38 The Significance of the New Deal 3 Accomplishments

39 1. Role of Government Established the idea that government has responsibility for the health, welfare, and security, as well as the protection and education of its citizens

40 2. Political System Strengthened executive branch
Reasserted presidential leadership (Some people don’t like this very much.)

41 3. Saved Democracy? The New Deal maintained a democratic system of government and society. Remember that at this time, major nations like Italy and Germany fell to radical dictators…but the USA did not….

42 Did it end the Depression?




46 Not Really. It helped A lot of people, but the Depression would go on Until WW2 started.

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