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European Environment Agency

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1 European Environment Agency
Developing a shared evidence base and outline for multiple MSFD-relevant assessments Trine Christiansen,

2 The MSFD House Model Art. 20.3b Regional Assessments Art. 8

3 Timeline Activity 2017 2018 2019 2020 HELCOM HOLAS II OSPAR IA
OSPAR IA UNEP/MAP MSFD Art. 8 (MS) MSFD Art 20.3b (EC in coordination with EEA, RSCs, ICES, GFCM) Other related products WFD reporting HD Art. 17 reporting

4 GES analytical framework: state, pressures and impacts
Link is missing to 8.1c: human activities

5 The proposed outline for art 8 assessments
State (art 8.1a) Pressures (art 8.1b) Human activities (art 8.1c ) Seabed habitats Pelagic habitats Fish Turtles Mammals Seabirds and waterbirds Marine food webs and ecosystems Physical loss and damage to the seafloor, including hydrological changes Extraction of fish and shellfish Introduction of non-indigenous species Eutrophication Contamination Marine litter Underwater noise and other forms of energy Climate change Land-based activities Extraction of living resources Production of living resources Extraction of non-living resources and disposal of waste Transport and shipbuilding Tourism and recreation Man-made structures Energy production – offshore renewables Energy production- oil and gas Research and surveys Military Socio-economic analysis

6 Feedback from MS: overall
The proposed structure covers the relevant Art. 8 elements. It should however be recognised that the building blocks for many headlines will not be available in 2019; We consider the proposal in Table 1 as applicable but also note that there are some differences which may require discussion in HELCOM; The outline should be coherent with the structure of revised Annex III; Reflection on the structure of the World Ocean Assessment, as it is interesting, and it would be interesting in a medium term to ensure coherence of the two assessments;

7 Response to overall comments
Intention is to align with revised annex III; Proposal is aligned to current draft, but changes can still occur, e.g. on special habitats UN regular process has devised an outline for a DPSIR assessment developed by scientific experts. The UN outline is not aligned by MSFD. Structured by: Ecosystem services Human activities Biological diversity Assessment is a scientific review

8 Feedback on comments on pressures
The proposed structure for pressures is arranged by descriptors rather than Annex III. The revised annex III and Decision will link to descriptors, and will in this way provide detail on further breakdown; Radionuclide pollution is part of chemicals; Climate change is not part of the MSFD. Hence it will not be part of Art 8, but could be seen as an important context for art 20.3b assessment.

9 Feedback on human activities
We very much support that the discussion on human activities is taken forward in the context of the MSFD CIS. Activities need to be aligned to MSPD. EEA has developed a first draft cross-walk between MSFD and MSPD.

10 Many comments related to reporting
Clarity needed on relation between national and regional assessments Common understanding needed for how national and regional level link up and how MS use the regional level for their Art. 8 MSFD assessments/reporting State of play of RSC indicators: what will be available for 2018?

11 WG-GES Approaches to GES assessments are described in cross-cutting paper; Relation between regional and national assessment Aggregation to GES assessment within each ‘pizza slice’ and each ‘satellite’? An integrated assessment framework that combines across descriptors. At WG-GES it was agreed to support the development of guidelines for GES assessments.

12 Way forward Use the proposed art 8 structure as a basis for organising 2018 reporting (adjusted to minor changes from Decision and Annex III revisions); Get further guidance on list of human activities from WG-GES and ESA. Use the GES assessment guidance to develop the content and outcomes within each chapter; will be used to support the development of reporting sheets

13 Timeline for reporting
Meeting What? Spring 2016 DIKE Presentation of general concept and direction GES Assessment guidance – link to GES cross-cutting paper and revised Decision Autumn 2016 Presentation of draft reporting sheets Spring 2017 MSCG Sign off reporting sheets Autumn 2017 Development of IT tools Winter 17/18 MS Test and update tools April 2018 Technical system ready Oct 2018 Receive Art 8, 9, 10 reports

14 Art 20.3b State of the environment assessment
Geographical perspective Building blocks of MSFD infobase EC Holas II OSPAR IA UNEP/MAP Ecap Black Sea Regional fisheries RSC and fisheries assesments Art 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 EEA indicators and SoES Outputs from research projects MSFD information base EEA EEA is compiling an overview of the MSFD information base EEA will support EC in developing an EU SoE assessment

15 EEA is mapping regional and EU indicators
Annex III element Name of indicator MSFD descriptor (DPSIR) components RSC/Org in roof Report? Regions covered Next publi-cation year Section of SoES 2015 Birds B-3: Marine bird breeding success/failure D1 - Biological diversity State OSPAR Yes regions I (partial), II, III, IV Dec 2015 B-1: Marine bird abundance D1 - Biological diversity; D4 - Marine food webs in Section 3.7 Abundance of waterbirds in the breeding season HELCOM NA tbc Abundance of waterbirds in the wintering season White-tailed eagle productivity D1 - Biological diversity; D4 - Marine food webs; D8 - Contaminants

16 Purpose of indicator mapping
All RSC have been asked to contribute; UNEP/MAP has recently provided overview of indicators. Overview is being reviewed by secretariats Mapping is being performed against proposed outline to understand what new information will be available compared to 2015, and what a report based on this can eventually look like. Mapping is being done to understand what regional assessments will be available and when Challenge to understand how assessments performed under other EU directives can be brought in. Aim is to use overview to also provide clear structure and guidance for art 8 reporting.

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