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Monarch with dates of reign and royal family name.

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Presentation on theme: "Monarch with dates of reign and royal family name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monarch with dates of reign and royal family name.
Monarch with dates of reign and royal family name. Other powerful person and what he did What was their representative assembly called? What wars were they involved in? Who did they fight against and with? What did the leader build? What were the treaties or Edicts? Describe them. What was the nobility called? Spain France Prussia Austria Russia England

2 Battle of Lepanto 1571 Boyars Cardinal Mazarin Cardinal Richelieu Charles I (England) Charles II of England Defeat of the Spanish Armada Edict of Nantes English Bill of Rights English Civil War Escorial Frederick the Great Glorious Revolution Henry of Navarre (aka Henry IV) Ivan the Terrible James II of England Jean Baptiste Colbert Junkers Louis XIV Maria Theresa Oliver Cromwell Parliament Peace of Westphalia Peter the Great Philip II Seven Year War St. Petersburg Thirty Years War Versailles War of Austrian Succession War of Spanish Succession William and Mary

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